I read the whole thing, but am confused. How exactly does sic noc plug into this story, besides as how Sky said in OP?
Good read! Now that's a thread! Except for the part where u called yr clannies slaves and assassins meat shields! But a well written thread.
That part was meant in jest ripperpart of it is meant to get everyone into a setting of this being a real world I'm not one guy fighting them. But this war will last no more then a month. In a month sic noc will have other issues and they won't want to waste time to protect the very same group who threatened war on their allies over an individual farmer The fallen one has once again summoned his commanding officers. While several have changed since the last mission he sent them out on, one remains the same. It is this man who says "what is your bidding master?" Red, the fallen monkey immortal says " there is a new army growing. It has no true clan or family and follows a system much like the one we have, they go a step past us though. They take away personalized names, every one calls themselves a variation of the same thing. Their leader, a mortal hero for one of the clans who does not worship those from above is in disguise. No one knows he is the hero, they all know him as King Tepo when he leads this army. Go forth my servants. Leave behind your armies. Only you will go. Gather support from there. Return to me with the head of this 'King Tepo'. Along the way destroy many of his army, leave only those who wear protection of the assassins. Our spies are willing to die to ensure our victory so do not worry. They will come to fight you and you must kill them Aswell. They will be honored. Go forth my subjects and destroy in the name of Red, the fallen monkey." The commanders make to leave when Red says "Josh a word please" Josh, the longest serving commander, a veteran of these armies and the man who truly commands the army, and would in name if he wasn't loyal to Red says "yes, My lord." "Be warned josh, friends can be found in all the famous of the war clans. But not all will truly be your friend. Several clans have forgotten to respect the immortals and you must bring their respect back to us. We may have agreed not to target the assassins but that does not mean they won't try to destroy you. They fancy immortals a myth an as you know our armies will not engage them if they attempt to destroy you. You are on your own. I trust you can handle this, do not let me down." "I will do you proud old friend." "It has been a long time since you have called me friend josh, I worried you had become a distant commander." "I am always your friend red, but the men need only one leader and he must be undisputed. You are the one I want to lead and as such I must seem to submit to you."" I must go now Red. When we meet next the armies of king Tepo will be weakened or destroyed and their bodies will turn valleys to mountains and desert to oceans. After all they are mere mortals." "Do not forget josh, once we were mortal until you led us to slay the creator. Then we shared our immortality with the thinking monkeys, who threw us down to here. Never underestimate them for being a mortal as we were our best as mortals." Josh leaves the cavern, and meets up with his commanders to begin their quest. They are brave, loyal and unmatched fighters, but he cannot help remember his old team, or the team before that. It will take time to get used to this team. So the men set out on their quest. Josh laid out the plan " we will divide and visit the mortal families we can use as a base while we fight. After a time we will gather together in order to attack the family that houses king Tepo. Remember not to harm any wearing the assassins tag." So the men separated, some to gather small bands of loyal mortals from the most notable war families known to our kingdoms, others, like Josh simply went to a place they could speak with friends in between battle. Thus the war began. After several days of fighting king Tepo realized that the attacks were organized and sought to speak with Josh. During the talks Josh made a statement that showed he know king Tepo was really one of the heroes from the assassin army in disguise. Tepo denied this accusation. Later Josh was sent a message that said he should not hit the very members of king Tepos army he had already promised not to hit, those wearing the tag of an assassin. This was added prof of the identity of Tepo and Josh called out king Tepo on the matter. The hero and his family decided to threaten Josh and Josh called out the King again. The assassins began to hunt for Josh. After several minor incidents, in which two assassins had attempted to fight Josh, Josh decided that this would end. So he called out the hero and his few already involved assassins. Shortly after the army of assassins was at war. The men fighting with josh heard of this and tried to intervene. The mortal family housing several of the men had an alliance with the assassins. Thus sicarius noctis, The assassins went from being friend to foe of the Armies of Red. Yet they were not content. They knew they needed a clear victory before their enemy could gather. A scapegoat was chosen, a family known to have close relations with josh. The Order, a legend in its own right, yet long retired from the act of warfare, had recently begun its revival. This josh was forced to leave his friends in Order of Shadows in the hope they would not be dragged into a war. He went to fight alone. But the Order had been slighted and he was called back to discuss the possibility of war. It was decided the Shadows would prepare for war, yet not become involved yet. A talk began between the leader of the order and the leader of the assassins. An agreement between the two, technically mortal families, the Shadows and the Night Assassins were not yet at war, at least at the time of this recounting. The two families, who fight either to help the immortals quest to rid the world of Tepo and his inter family army or to help protect a man in disguise from imagined insult. The question, mortals of these kingdoms, renowned for their war prowess, is which side will you back? Choose carefully, this battle contains power far greater then any the mortal world has seen used to their fullest in a long time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes In the course of human events it becomes nesacary for a change. As such we declare ourselves to be in a state of war with the omets and as long as sic noc protects them they too are at war. Included below are a list of greviences (anyone who had any knowledge of the United States knows I'm saying a shortened and edited version of the intro to the Declaration of Independence. Deal with it lol). As long as these greivences are kept unsolved we consider any chance of a reconciliation with our enemies impossible. The story : Sky and a group of farmers went to war with the omets. After several days sky and the king spoke at the kings request. This wasn't itself a big deal. The problem was sky called out tepo as being the alt of Bad medicine, a sic noc council member. It was denied. So the next day sky gets a message from a friend in sic noc who says "medicine wants you not to hit omets with the assassins wall tag" then it included a statement saying medicine was mad and that I must have done it already I informed the friend that medicine was mad because I had called him out (I had told tepo he was medicine. That isn't nessacirly an insult) and if medicine is not tepo as he claims then it obviously isn't me calling medicine out. I recive a wall lost from medicine saying if I called him out I would have been hit. So I delete it and move on. I'm not one to care for threats without reason. Later on 2 sic noc members hit me. I post my wall informing everyone that for every sic noc member who hits me and isn't the main of an Omet 2 of those omets I agreed not to hit loose their protection. Only fair if they hit me for hitting players in an unafilated clan then their Alts are fair game, espically since their Alts are not agreeing not to stay out of our war themselves. This is met by me being informed I am in sic noc ca. As such a little bit of war banter occurs on my wall. However every insult I said that is a true insult was about tepo. So the main excuse that I insulted medicine cannot be true unless they admit he lied about it being his alt, and if it claims not to be by all reason it should not be sic noc protected. Then I'm informed I tried to gather clans to fight sic noc and I hit sic noc members. Both untrue. I have yet to return any hits to any of the members of sic noc member. Tagged or therwise. Quest at their clan or a full member at another clan. And the only clan considering war with sic noc was the fault of medicine not me. I tried to keep oos out of the war by leaving and was called back when hits didn't stop. Sic noc and myself can reach a cf only a few ways -bad medicine admits to being tepo. I will apologize for insulting him as I wouldn't insult a member of the clan I visit in my free time - he admits I didn't insult him as I insulted a player who he denies is him and we go our seperate ways If either of those happens I will once again agree the omets with that wall post are not to be hit and that if by mistake they are hit all that needs to be done is inform me of such and it will end. The other way for a cease fire is the omets surrendering early. At which point I would agree to go seperate ways with sic noc because the cause for war is done. This is much less likely and is only given because It is a no matter what this works An ending statement- if you wish to Persue me for an imagined insult (it wasn't even a real insult however it is enough to qualify as one in theory) against an alt that claims not to be you then as soon as I am done with the omets I will begin to do what you accuse me of. I have no qualms about fighting naked and potless and I have no fear of sic noc because while you may be a respectable war clan, you aren't gods and it will take one for me to surrender to you unless I'm outvoted by a council of my peers. And the out voting thing is unlikely and has only happened 3 times in 3 years. Espically when I have good reason for the war. Good luck and may god have mercy on your soul because I will show no such remorse. Tldr- Nope. Go back and read the whole thing or skim it or don't post. I know there are errors and mistakes in spelling and grammar and I apologize. Only clans or groups mentioned in thread are currently involved however several friends of mine from other clans make up my farming group. None of them are in clans with me recently or into the near future good luck finding us all
First off sky, you're an idiot. Keep your stories simple. You hit an omet sitting in our clan, it's a friend of ours. We told you not to hit it, yet you did. Bad medicine isn't Tepo, seriously dude go to rehab. I think you've fried too many brain cells. We don't care to have a CF with you or your delirious self. Enjoy your stay at pinville.
must be pinned 24/7/7 - so much bla bla garbage let him breathe a lil or the entire kaw gotta put up with this verbal diarrhea
You're the one that searched for this thread, as it had fallen off AT. It's not like he forced you to read it.
omg my eyes hurt! i didnt even want to read this crap way tooooooooo long... maybe add sum pertty pictures to look at next time... :?
@Armeggedon you say that like he'll actually hit me... Which nobody does. They always stop, they always get bored.