Ancienne's Husband

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. The bottom line is. This thread WAS made with the sole intention of flaming or undermining ancienne and/or cele by a valiant knight awarded player, and then supported by acetown, a developer elected moderator.

    The thread should have been locked and deleted for being in breach of the tou, instead it just highlights that it's different rules for different people.

    Not a fan of ancienne, but rules are rules and should apply to everyone

    Well done valiant knight and moderator. Well done.
  2. It's a fine line, if you want to get down to brass tacks Alison, this is in the ToU grey area.
  3. Unfortunately, Ty, I am an expert in TOU Engineering. This thread isn't to harass anyone, but a mere spotlight for Mr. Ancienne to debate the alleged insult of his wife - by the mere mentioning of her name.

    Which he has not answered the OP, but seemingly taken what I've said and molded it into some conspiracy theory about how we all strive to disrespect his wife.

    I liked Ancienne's forum input. It was insane. Chaotic. And she never stopped her incessant drivel until she was banned.

    I respect that.

    That same odd intelligent knack for taking one point: and turning it into a KAW conspiracy theory, is evident in your writings. Just minus the ........ and "_____"

    Either the apple doesn't fall far, or you two are the same. Regardless...please keep up the good work. And much love and respect to you and the missus.

    I am married as well. 
  4. Even if the valient knight op's intentions were noble, which is debatable. The thread has degenerated into a flame fest against cele and ancienne, and so therefore should be locked for failing to stay on such a noble track.
  5. Quite true also.
  6. Well no ****. If a human was not attention seeking, there would be a problem. It's natural.
  7. And to all the protectors of the right, looking at my status....calling my Knight status into question.

    Hate on.

    If I said "hi" on here, Celeborn would spin a story about how "hi" is a direct sarcastic jab at his wife's honor, and drop several quotes from the literal ripoff of "Game Of Thrones". (Which, by the way is not a literal ripoff, but a little flame joke for those that know how to read)

    I put this thread here to keep it off of Ashes, and to allow Celeborn to speak in forums without ruining a great thread.

    You're welcome. I saved the day. Like a knight is intended to do. Please go view all of the fair lass's and their plentiful fruit.

  8. The question for celeborn is simple.

    Why do you believe that certain people are harassing your wife?

    Do you know about all the attempted assistance everyone who saw her in threads gave her?

    Did it ever take any of it on board? A lot of it was useful and actually helpful (unlike a lot of today's forumers)

    Also, what is your stance on her publicly accusing people of cheating?

    All these questions is what I would like to know answers to, I know that you have your agenda. But these are simple to answer.
  9. I'll probably print that out on a magnet and put it on my fridge as a friendly reminder because i always seem to forget that online interaction is a necessity as air, food, and water are.
    I almost forgot about air once but luckily I'm still here to tell you
  10. Now this is ridiculous. They make a thread specifically naming my wife and my relationship to her, spread hate and lies in their replies, and then have the nerve to expect me not to comment on it?

    Someone please make a thread with the subject "Melissa" or "Melissa's Husband/Father/Mother/Brother/Sister/whatever," just to see whether the player named in it replies or not.
  11. I lol'd at the forgetting about air part
  12. Does bringing up Ancienne insult her?

    Or is it a legacy to her fame?

    ^ these were questions asked in the OP and have not been answered.

    I am not flaming, nor breaking TOU. If Celeborn can't handle the questions...ask me to lock this thread.

    I will always do what I feel is right. Always have.
  13. Go look at the Best Of section. There is a thread about me.
  14. I had to go back and make sure but I neither support this thread nor am I against it. I don't believe the intentions were to harass anyone. Now if you don't agree with the thread you can email it to support instead of throwing out accusations.
  15. Natural as an unconcious action, not necessity to live. I'm not sure how you got what you got to be honest.
  16. I'm not either.
  17. Dude you really need to grow up, you're a married man.

    Who cares what he said, she said. Ever heard the saying sticks and stones?
  18. Try reading the thread acetown. It's become page after page of derogatory comments toward ancienne/ cele.

    When is enough, enough and the thread locked for being off topic? You're just defending your position because you've been part of it.

    Very poor show from a moderator.
  19. I don't normally agree with selfie but have to totally support everything she has said on here.
    To those insulting cele for defending his wife.
    When you have a wife you love you better defend her. Not just in the pub but everywhere she needs your support.
    A bit of decency isn't too much to ask is it.
  20. It depends on the way she is "brought up." The post in Ashes's thread I reacted on was a GIF of a guy in an office getting mad, captioned something like "Waking up and finding a post from Ancienne on your wall."

    I pointed out to the poster that Ancienne has not been able to post anyone's wall, or anywhere else in KAW, for a year, and called the poster a spiteful little hater. Especially because, as far as I remember, that particular player never had any interaction with either of us, let alone got a wall post from her.

    In that context, it definitely wasn't, as I explained above.

    There, I handled them. Now lock it.

    Same here.
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