Ancienne's Husband

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by -WillyTheDeuce-, Jan 22, 2015.

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  1. Cele, stop taking the bait smartass. If you didn't react as ridiculous as this, it wouldn't be half as amusing. But apparently you have too much pride (read: stupidity) to let it go.
  2. Thanks a lot, deano, PRIME, and Rising_Star, for proving all of my points. :D
  3. I once was fortunate enough to be welcomed in Ancienne's clan for a DS unlock I believe. Both her and her husband were the most welcoming, friendly and engaged individuals I had the pleasure to meet.

    I have no agenda whatsoever. People who know me, can confirm how straightforward my intentions are.

    I was surprised to see the constant challenging and ridiculing of her in forums. I didn't really understand what to make of it, but over time and certainly with this post it has become clear. It is an orchestrated attempt to belittle and badmouth Ancienne and Celeborn.

    It looks like the instigators are not content with the banishment of Ancienne and now they have Celeborn clearly in their crosshairs to try and get rid of him too. (To my regret with the cooperation of some mods)

    Why else would an old news story be dug up like this and keep its place in the top of the active posts.

    When Ancienne was put under stress in the past she unfollowed most of the players she didn't know too well, including myself. So I am certainly not one of her inner circle, but the truth has its rights also.

    Hence this post.

  4. You're a blistering idiot. I actually give you a slight bit of advice and I still get your nonsense.
  5. You're dtw noob
  6. *grabs popcorn
  7. So are you, coward. *Before* I tried to hit back :D
  8. Sincere or not, If Ancienne/Celeborn just said they were trolling, people would stop caring/commenting.
  9. Giving in to criminals is wrong. They force you at gunpoint to do one thing or not to do do another, and kill you anyway once they've got what they want.
  10. Lol, you're ****** in the head.

  11. If the point was that your wife was fit to tied and needed help, then yes you are welcome..
    I'm disappointed in you Celeborn, firstly you post from an alt, secondly, you sound just as delusional as your wife, and lastly, you make it worse by continually bringing it up.. Forums caused a lot of grief for you and your wife, why the hell are you still here? Lurking? Just so you can rush in and "rescue" your wife from the "defamers"? Its just makes it worse.. Can you not see that?

    Just give it up, report us in silence, because you continually bringing up her silences, is a breach of the rules here... Forums is not for complaints about silences.. Furthermore, no one has really ever had a bad thing to say about her since her much deserved ban, other than she was a brilliant troll.. On forums, is that really a defamatory comment?

    Do you understand how a forum community works Celeborn?
  12. I knew she had a husband. We PM'd a few times at one stage at one point where she was being hit by a few people and I asked if she wanted help.
  13. Yeah, because it's rocket science to figure out my main's user name lol. It's even in the same clan, the one right above this one on clan roster. It's just easier to type on a PC keyboard than on an iPhone.

    Well, the one here is a great opportunity to learn how it doesn't, or shouldn't, work.
  14. Literally the first time I ever agreed with you.
    Let us celebornate the memory of Ancienne with the trolling of this thread..........
  15. You still harassing her? I don think this is aligned with ToU. Will get someone to check
  16. I don't want to be rude, but rising_noob is a known runner and whiner. He is closely related to a dirty old toilet brush actually. He should leave.
  17. Tell me where I ran and whined pls
  18. I see the forum hasn't changed then.
  19. So you're calling everyone criminals now? Wow you've gone a step further than her. Seriously, how is it that you can't comprehend that it is getting more and more obvious that you and it are in fact a troll. I refer to ancienne as it as I am unsure that it is even who it claims to be, and not you.

    It's on the fine line actually Ty, as it's referring to celeborn and not directly about the irrevocable and permenant silence.
  20. It's been quite obvious for the longest time that Celienne is an attention seeking troll. They wouldn't reply if they weren't.
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