Funny how her husband will defend her honor against a non-insulting random comment, but won't say "hi" on a thread I made for him to stand on a soapbox. I firmly believe.... He might actually be Ancienne, and Eric Northman's new alt.
I was almost certain that people with perm silences were unable to use their banners.. What's up with that?
In one her verbal diatribes she used lines from a couple of songs. Ancienne was just a troll. No one could get close because then the ruse would be up. As soon as anyone in pm even got near her she twisted the conversation into a personal attack against her. Ancienne is legendary because unlike eric, people still aren't sure if she is a troll or not. I assure you. She is. Celeborne is likely ancienne
She was either a complete and utter nut job or a very gifted troll. Or maybe a little from column a and a little from column b...
The whole situation reminds me of a few threads a while back. I can't recall the names, and this may not be 100% accurate, but does anyone remember a thread being posted by someone defending their real life boyfriend or girlfriend who had been spamming forums incessantly and trying to garner sympathy because they got run over that morning and broke both their legs? Turned out they were the same person.
That's literally impossible. Even in the movie Hancock, they had to CGI it because it was cruel to rectums, and the META groups protested. I'm a C. C's generally contribute to conversations. Whist A and B are jerks and don't let anyone else in forums involve in their private forums hijinks. I figured you knew this since you're the resident expert cretin. I think I explained myself in the OP. But, as we all know the rules of the interwebz. Reading is optional. Pants are optional. Thought...apparently optional. As evident in everything I create. Enchantress, you need to literally go eat a massive radish. Jerk.
Get rid of them, my phone takes ages to load up this thread I'm pretty sure Celeborn is reading this thread and he's trying not to convey his anger. Now while Ancienne is pretty much the only reason I still play (wether that is good or bad) lets say, diplomatically, that Ancienne has changed.
Kaw lacks trolls cause there are fewer mod-wannabe idiots like you around. Also Daphina bans as soon as she sniffs troll.
The sarcasm in the OP's talk about honor and whatnot is easy to find, but his true agenda is in his last sentence: Which obviously is an invitation to the usual suspects. And practically all of them came, once again spreading their hate and their convenient little lies. I don't know whether the OP wrote PMs to all of them to make sure they "join the fun," but anyway they're here, revealing much more about themselves than they could ever about Ancienne or me whom they don't know anyway. So that's the kind of players who become "Valiant Knights," allegedly helpful to other players throughout KAW? How knightly is it to start a thread of mockery about a specific player to rejoin everyone who ever hated that player? I'll tell you just how knightly with a quote: Knights are sworn to defend the weak, protect women, and fight for the right, but none of them did a thing. [...] I hate them too, Sansa thought. They are no true knights, not one of them. -- George R.R. Martin, "A Clash of Kings" Even moderators don't do their jobs and lock an ad-hominem spam thread like this, but instead have the nerve to come here and join the "party" at Ancienne's and my expense: And of course, we have the old lie that my wife Ancienne and I are "the same person": Of course Ser Willy of House Deuce, the Great Knight (see above), joins in on that one as well: I practically never agreed to Eric but was too lazy to comment on his posts. Hell, I wouldn't bother to be here either, but with all these lies and accusations going on, I just had to write at least this. I've never been looking for attention in this game and only wish to be left alone. So if you all just refrained from mentioning my wife or me in the future, you would see very little of me.
Your insane reaction to anyone that mentions your wives name is what brings out the trolls. For example, comparing the valiant knight position to a quote about real life Knights is at most, laughable. Take my advice, if a game is becoming that personal and affecting both of your real lives, here's the magic part. As you're married you must be to some to degree, an adult, deal with this as such. Delete the app, you will never have to have anything to do with the people that are "victimising or terrorising" you and your wife.
After reading this... I'm now convinced you are one in the same... How could two different people (marriage is irrelevant) be so paranoid? YOU SOUND LIKE YOUR "WIFE" AND NO ONE HAS SAID ANYTHING BAD ABOUT HER People wouldn't have these things to say but because your "wife" could not act in mature and logical manner, that's why "she" will always be revered as the greatest troll of all time.. Seriously, do I need to start digging in the crates and pull some of her greatest hits that aren't buried in the graveyard? Because they are out there.. Just let it go... Let it go and learn to laugh..