Wow! Didn't see this coming. Usually they just rip off a previous event or idea, repackage it, and call it a new idea. Not sure if this is good or bad, but at least the devs are thinking outside the box. Can't wait for another original idea.
Support ...much better being able to make smaller upgrades instead of having to bank in BB all the time before wars ...nice job devs
Great step, as a large portion of kaw are in osw, participate in EE often, or just plain don't like keeping 1.8t+ out. Now let's discuss the insane land prices -- hopefully they at least go a similar route somehow.
While this a step in the right direction. It's only a small improvement. Its only taking one upgrade and making them into two smaller upgrades. At the end of the day the cost of buildings will still be the same.
There are far too many of these post release 'fixes'. The Abyss buildings have totally transformed the game for the larger players. Of course, we have no real idea to what extent as so few can afford to complete their build. Spy builds seem horribly overpowered and this just allows those to increase, incrementally, more quickly. No one wars any more though so I'm not sure it's being tested on a clan level? The balance between growth and war is not well considered. Particularly as the end point of growth isn't clear from a war perspective and any modifications to build, due to Abyss prices, are frankly inconceivable. The changes that have been made, superficially exciting, are likely to require any number of these retrograde 'fixes'. Nerfing spy power very urgent I would judge (I am of course biased). If the game survives these modifications that is?
I was thinking the same thing Lol! But hey, I won't split hairs, as the tokens will Still help a ton.
This a good change. Here's another suggestion: Please reduce the HF building cost by 50% and refund those who have already built there with bronze bars. For example, if someone already has a L5 HF building (950b), then give them 633.33 B in bronze bars for a 475 B refund when bronze bars are sold. HFBC players can use the refunded gold to upgrade in the abyss. Non-HFBC players can build complete in the hoarfrost more easily. All players benefit.
So which lvs will provide a plunder % boost and which will drop plunder? Used to go Lv 5/4/1/3/2 from highest to lowest correct?
Thank you it sounds good Every level upgrade will increase the gold earning from epic battles and bring upgrading much easier for mids Support
Devs are versed in queuing theory. More steps to cover the same distance. Makes the person feel like they are progressing faster. Well played devs, well played.
As much as I'd love this, the surge of gold back into the game would be huge. I'd rather see a timeframe you can wipe out your HF and replace/rearrange your HF once.