So really no change since everything costs the same but we can spread it out more. Makes perfect sense
Precisely! It's a grind to buy merely one! Now won't be too bad. :lol: Chaos will ensue! :twisted: SUPPORT :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So technically, our stats will be somewhat smaller then on new buildings and upgrades on current buildings..due to the increase of upgrade levels Thank you for lowering the prices
Rising_star. Thats the problem. Theyre not trying to help. This is a very minor band aid to make mids think devs still care. They said on forums few days ago update that would help mids close gap. This does nothing
I am the last person to like the devs for what theyre doing. I still think they are trash. This reduces the wait for upgrading and banking in between wars or osw. I honestly don't see why you're so butthurt, when it isn't even that bad of a change.
One step at a time, best to continue posting suggestions here: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=175132 The developers are keeping an eye on that thread, your suggestions for improvement are welcomed!
Can someone help explain the point of this? It's the same stats for the same cost with different levels. I get that, but how does this help us? We're growing smaller amounts at a time? What does that do?
Upgrades would be cheaper(even if the stat increase isn't signifcant) it's still a change. Helps mids and smalls UG buildings faster than b4