This is a good point. When will the costs for the horefrost buildings be quartered, then doubled back to half of what they previously were?
Prediction, devs will halve HTE in response to HTE complaints. They will remind us that HTE was a 3xHaunt promo for too long. Hence justifying their 50% Haunt increase. Now HTE will be the same payout as Haunts, but their bonus for us will be 0.000001% chance of a xstal drop on HTE. Then devs will eventually post a whiny thread that HTE $$$ are dissappearing and that eb fairies ruined the game. Devs will go broke, game will become open source, an annoyed unemployed player will alter the code, and reset the game to its day 1 settings. The game will grow. Players pitch in to buy shares to fund new servers, and we all live happily ever after. Good night clannies.