I asked earlier in the thread, didn't see my question answered. Before this new update, with only 5 building levels, lv 2 and 3 had a plunder % drop. Is this still in effect and if so what levels are effected?
I believe this was a good change enabling people to upgrade easier and still war. Now, if we could get lease agreements for land purchases that would be awesome. Be able to deposit gold towards next land price until full cost is paid before we can build on it. I notice this has already been suggested.
A war vault was suggested to bank gold so ppl could war more readily. A lease simply avoids being farmed. An EB Faeries Dream I can see all the smack talk not being backed up.
The plunder decrease that some have noticed is a result of hitting HTE (a technically smaller EB) as you are growing "too big" for it. Plunder against larger EBs will always increase. This update does not change that quirk, other than players upgrading and seeing it sooner. Further upgrades will make you jump past this small decrease to the point each upgrade will increase plunder soon after.
It benefits everyone. Who cares if someone that only hits ebs avoids getting farmed. Most people that only hit ebs leave tons of gold out anyway, it's very rare people in hte clans even get farmed. I used to leave trillions out and never get a single incoming, and that was while I was in an osw clan. There's no real discernable downside. It'll get more people to war. Shouldn't all that can be done to do that be done at this point?
With s5 in the works - ppl who are all for this will want to war 7-9 times a week. Ppl who had lvl3 builds up on abyss will need to pay 450b each for lvl7 and 8 and 900b for lvl9 and 10. Unless you sealing and Max xstalin - I can't see anyone Savin up that kind of gold. I still think my war vault idea is the best solution to allow ppl to war and save gold in order to ug builds.
Highlands need to be revised. The lvl 4 upgrade is THE worst upgrade kaw offers in terms up gold cost per upgraded stats gained. It seriously needs to be half the price.
I agree, would love to see it. Honestly this is only really beneficial to those needing upgrades on hf. I still couldn't bank on upgrades if not for them if I did every indi i was available for. It's not the greatest update, but meh, no actual downside so that's a plus for ata.
25% fee..not in tune with the point. War Vault is temporary to allow ppl to enter war more readily if a hinderance. War ends gold is automatically released.
I know tons of ppl would love this feature ESP when s5 rolls out - I've been told by many that they would war more frequently if this was in place. Even Nighthawk is well versed in my idea ic In the past ppl, banked gold in allies but with ug the ally market has dried up - it's a waste to bank gold in the ally market til it gets moving again The war vault idea is good - everyone wins. - Ppl who want to war but can't cuz the dun want to bank gold - devs cuz they will look good for listening to the ppl and if ppl war more they buy xstals...hello mcfly more xstals used means more xstals bought and more $$$ in ur pocket
Devs would win on higher participation. It's only one xtal per person per war but it adds up. Especially with all the warring during season.