An Update on Season 5 + Wars!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 25, 2015.

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  1. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    In between season wars should be 1 hour scrimmages including, but not often, indiwars. Just to give more people time to war. Also, dont you think this will be abused? I already have some ideas and my ideas never end well for the season 
  2. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Go team Go!
  3. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    I just thought of something that could help the Devs horrible war proposal... It may have been brought up already, but here is a summary:

    You still keep the CS aspect to form these clans, however, in not the EXACT stats... If they make the stats for each player in "sections" similar to a boxer or wrestler... So an sh acct would be in the 0-10m CS category... Get what I'm saying? It wouldn't kill the appeal to have sh in your clan bc they pay badly to others but would help even things out... Still a crap system though lol
  4. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Bring back s4 format! Lol
  5. The developers have posted an update on page 36, five days ago, and I have seen them looking at this thread more recently.
  6. It's time to make war pay to play 1 XTAL on casting gives 1 regen and finally stop inactives moles and leaks. If its other war type and not indi a refund if no match. People are wasting time and money because of a few freeloaders and cheats
  7. Wonder if we (D1) get another nm tomorrow night, would only b 6 in a row (we only do primal). Devs how bout not penalizing the clans who actually TRY to war and get a nm? Since the cs explosion (created by u) has thrown everything out of wack. And I would love to know at least 2 ppl who have ever beta tested any EE style war by the devs. I have a feeling this "beta testing" is a crock as well.

    U have your 90+ pages of opinions,,ideas and criticism (just like the countless threads you've made before asking for the same thing and ultimately dismiss it) pls do something or just cancel S5 if your "proposals" r in fact your decision.

  8. No one is warring much man, interest is down even more than before the level 4&5 update. Sucks.
  9. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    How are you meant to set a roster taking everyone's bfe bfa into account it's madness 20 people juggling EQ or having to buy or drop allies get a grip. And again today we had a inactive in Indi costing us a possible win. I ask you would we still have in actives in Indi if there was a buy in? Don't need to answer cause you all know we wouldn't....
  10. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Classic wars are the best wars. 48 hour wars with no rules strips allowed <3 I never understood why people are complaining about a 2 hour war being too long.
  11. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Right. It's weird when people have jobs, kids, relationships, and rl activities/commitments. People should WANT to be on their phone/device/pc to cast/roster etc before signup, prep for war for an hour, then war for 2hrs.

    Why would anyone have a rl? Just dumb. Takes away from game time.
  12. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

  13. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Why not forget s5 and focus on events devs no wonder s5 war planning is all over the place. If we do have s5 hope its worth waiting for.
  14. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Anyone know how beta testing is going?
  15. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    I don't know a single decent EE warrior that's in beta, lol.
  16. I have not read all post yet so I might be repeating something here, I am just thinking that what if the top LB in CS and BFA (or top 2) are on a team with nothing but stateless alts...? All he/she (or they) would need is just a few hits which he/she (or they) can get with a couple of well timed xstals while everyone fails. I currently understand that the CS and BFA cap is per team so unless the cap can be made as a ratio per player or something the roster can still get stacked. An example of making it a ratio would be to say that one or maybe five players cannot have more than 50% of the total/total allowed CS/BFA on any given team.

    I still think the BFA being static is the biggest problem with it which is making round wars a big problem. If it were % based then the player can be taken down and massive plunder could be made once the player is low enough in strength for others to get success on. Only BFE should be static due to it having a limit, BFA without limit and being static is just a way to get almost unlimited defense.
  17. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    They haven't started the beta testing yet, they're still in the proposals phase.
  18. One more thing :-
    Idk if possible.
    Don't matchup two accounts with same IP address.
    Its hard but not impossible.
    Will clear moles and alts substantially. :)
  19. That could also keep people from the same ISP from getting on the same team. I am a network engineer and I personally know and help the owner of an ISP that wants to have all of his home users use the same set of public IP addresses to access the internet unless the customer pays for a static/dedicated public IP address.
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