An Update on Season 5 + Wars!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 25, 2015.

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  1. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    I would like to see more Indy wars. The times offered typically conflict with my availability. Also it would be nice if the sign-up and match-up time was reduced to accommodate more spontaneous wars.
  2. 1. Round wars have changed for the worse since back when you got together with other war noobs to do clan wars, back then more clans did round war than just the SSH rosters, so it was actually possible to win some a learn from those REAL wars. Now though the only clans doing wars are the TLM SH and the SSH who war in PvP Beasts/HH. There are no chances for any clans to war without matching an SH stacked roster so why would you think your experience back then relates to what the current experience is? There is a reason there has been less than 3 round war matches in the past month.
    2. "There will be some fair matches and in the round robin style tourney clans will only have to face "exploit rosters" a few times." Are you saying that like it is a good thing? The fact that anybody has to go up against a roster where it is impossible to win even once should never happen. If the SSH/LB roster has an easy win every match then how is it fair for everyone who has spent trillions on their build? As the devs clarified, they implemented this system of war for those who want to be competitive in EE, being Competitive means wanted to win it all. How can a clan go for the win if there are ssh/lb rosters that can't lose?
  3. Your story, although commendable, is rare. In order to war in a system without individual wars, an eb build would have to convince 14 of his eb build friends to war. No matter who they matched, I guarantee you they would lose, and they know that, which is exactly why that story is so rare. Sure, a couple will see the loss as a means of motivation, and change build to become competitive, but the majority would consider it a waste of time, and never war again. Individual wars combine the best, with the newest, and give those who otherwise would have had no chance of success, to succeed. People will be much more likely to undertake that risk of a build change if they have the experience of winning. In season format, eb builds will be much more likely to participate in wars outside of individual wars, in order to reach their goals.
  4. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    All this rah rah crap trying to motivate people to be fodder for the elite paying customers.

    To understand this you have to get into the psychology of these games. The devs cater to the whales because they pay the bills. But they have to provide some content for the budget and Free to Play players or they will desert your game.

    Once the budget players give up, there is no one for the spenders to dominate, so the game dies.

    It looks like we are in the end phase now. No new players coming in. Content more and more weighted toward the spenders. Devs squeezing last few bucks out of this game before they turn out the lights.

    Unfortunately. What made kaw great was that a budget player could compete against big spenders in the past. Now that ability is being systematically eliminated. Oh well, it was a good run while it lasted.
  5. This is thoroughly explained to why the changes wanted , might wanna take some snippets of ideas , kaw comm

  6. Support...devs and sh ruined this game
  7. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Dust off your ssh builds.
  8. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    I watch kaw end
  9. Please cut and paste s4 and have an equal amount off all 3 wars and make it so that all wars give the same reward.
  10. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    Not sure why they haven't changed it to primal yet. Anyone who likes round is either a 1) top 10 lb or 2) sh/ssh (exploiter). Or simply full of crap.
  11. Dear Dev,

    Firstly thank you for providing us Season 5 and summer war 2015.

    I would like to give my feedback and some suggestion on the above topics.

    Since you already know many warriors are very much excited wen u declare but wen they saw the immplementation of few rules they turned down. Since again it will b ruled by LB and old kawer. There will b nothing for new and small player.

    As u kw everybody is intresuted in rewards wat u get at the end.

    So my suggestion is as under;

    1. Keep all type of war means Round, primal, Individual.

    2. Give rancor 1 for winning and looser -2.

    3. Add extra LB rank for ee warrior in LB page with respect to Rancors earned. So all gets chance to stand on LB charts new as well as old kawer which will b exciting.

    4. At last Rewards distrubute as per rancors slabs like earlier.

    Simple and everybody is happy.

    I request u to kindly consider the suggestion before commensing the season. Coz we r waiting it for so long. Plz dev dont discourage our intrest.

    Thanking you.

  12. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    :lol:  thinks they will take heed :lol: too funny
  13. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    What you need to do to keep interest in system wars is revise the equipment you can buy with mith. As its between seasons people only war to renew there EE with the exception of those newer to kaw. Once rewards are there for s5 everyone will want to war again so why not revise the equipment from the alchemist and breathe life into chaos wars. Event EQ has made basic mitheral EQ poor and expensive EQ average. This is a war game surely rewards for warring should be the greatest rewards in KAW. So come on dev's revise EQ and keep the S4 format I promise you a exceptional season if you do. The xtal buy in for Indi is a change we need to pay a xtal to war and can use the regen when you want.
  14. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    No why should people be forced to spend cash to war ?
  15. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

    How else are ATA supposed to make money and progress?
  16. They make plenty from the seals the heavy spenders buy. They make even double, maybe triple during events.
  17. More importantly, how are they going to make money from war xstals if they make s5 so inaccessible that most don't war?
  18. With the staggering cs we have today and the immense sdt/adt Bf'a and ridiculous bfe from pay to win events many are being left for dust unable to do anything other than hit ebs or be destroyed in pvp/osw/ee.. And essentially the only eb now worth hitting is hte for gold and all events...I said it a thousand times sn will
    Say it again these filthy apes are rolling in cash at the expense of the game! People speak of the costs they are making plenty of cash trust me, adding additional things and rewarding helping the average players does not cost them a god damn thing! They have torn the heart out of the game chewed on it and spat it back in our faces.
  19. Agreed, I think you missed the underlying criticism of my post.
  20. Re: An Update on Season 5 Wars!

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