An issue that needs to be addressed within KaW Forums

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Kasama, Oct 23, 2017.

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  1. Not so long ago Kasama made a bee-line on every thread me and Lili collaberated on or when we wrote them solely.You are part of what makes forums a hit and miss kasama with your condescending and patronizing as it you in a higher caliber than the rest of us.But we have all read your sick threads also. So you aint no one to point fingers at the rest of us.
  2. Never has it been my intent to portay myself as someone of "higher caliber" as you say.

    I joke as much as the next person but I certainly don't go to the extent as you and the others named to be hateful and spread negative comments.

    Please read through your post history and mine as well. Find posts that seem disrespectful through mine. Post em here, I'll welcome it.
  3. Calling for those players that play the game you listed to be banned thus silencing their voice in the board is asking for censorship,
  4. Tbh Roni jumps on everyone and talks about old thing that no one cares. And as OP said, no forum post is ignored... after 2-3 replies, the thread derails and everyone starts bashing, as Roni is doing right now on OP....

  5. Quoting your post so you dont decide to change it later...

    I say communication first as I want communication between the individuals mentioned and those affected/interested.

    As a LAST RESORT, I suggest removal.

    I don't personally want them gone, I think they're just unaware of what they're doing to others.

    I want to make them aware.


    Thank you :)

    Edit:I can't believe I'm having to explain myself, it's in op.

    You just have to read.
  6. Cry...


    Did I mention that you're crying about trolls and writing a full thread for them?

  7. Again these people aren't trolls, they are flamers and are harming the KaWmunity.

    Edit:5 posts, that's rare. Whose alt are you?
  8. You need to add Shifter into that toxic list of yours kasama. He came on X_X thread and quoted what i had wrote and commented shut up roni. So you favouring all your old friends and just highlighting those who take the spotlight from you !! How convieniant.
  9. Todd is an epic flog but he's a solid performer for forum entertainment. Which is more than can be said for most of the npc's here.
  10. No, they're trolls and flaming people to make people more mad.

    As for the alt, this isn't an alt anymore, this is my main since I no longer use Superior.
  11. Its called defending myself .Koka you never write in forums.So you cant judge anyone because you are only a worldchat visiter.Its funny when eb fairys think because of big stats that they are kaw veterans when really you add nothing to the game koka.You only found your voice since joining Tangra in september.Write a interesting thread and then critisize all the rest who do try to make forums fun.Koka is only hating on me because of his allie soap who we fighting at the moment.
  12. Shifter and I aren't friends, we do not speak, he unfollowed me.

    Shifter hasn't consistently done things to demean people so I don't see him as someone who adds to the hate.
  13. Repeatedly spamming communist, iphone and calling any female he meets a 'catfish'.

    He's not really a performer, more a one trick pony that repeats the same jokes.

    Even now he's posting gifs trying to get some reaction, unable to communicate with words.

    Todd is beyond help.
  14. You turn a blind eye when it's convieniant kasama .You so transparent .
  15. Let's be real here, a LOT of "females" on this game are catfishes, so he's partially right.
  16. @Roni

    Just because I don't agree with your opinion, I'm wrong?

    I even explained my reasoning but I suppose you are blind to anything other than what suits your own agenda.

    Whatever, believe what you want.

    Shifter is a bad guy, sp00ky.
  17. My god, can none of you have a discussion that doesn't involve repeated ad hominems? Why is it so difficult to bring up constructive ideas instead of pointlessly, viciously criticizing everyone else? The way to get more people to be posting in forums is to make it a place people actually want to bother to post in. If anyone actually enjoys forums, they should care about driving away potential contributors.
  18. Yeah, screw that let everyone share their wealth and those dern bald eagles so patriotic, I'm in the mood for an eagle stew.

    Also I didn't pass the third grade.

    Is that what you want, Bionic?

    You're not funny, pal.
  19. And here you are kasama needing our names to get yourself something to talk about.We are honoured .i mean you could be using that high caliber intelligence and wit on a more noteable cause.But no it's the day to put Me ,SkinnyMinny and Todd high up on the pedalstool and seperate us from the rest of the crowd and add some more detail to our infamous & captivating personalitys . Truelly honoured mr kasama .But i sense jealousy underneath as his motive and spurned on to write this thread by nicki aka WeeklyMonthlyYearly because she cant get over the fact that she is no longer forum queen.
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