An Interesting Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TurdFerguson1000, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Here is a thought: How many of the evil and wretched people still exist from that era?

    Not many.

    The ideals and movement of a master race still flawed as that concept is.

    You can't kill an ideal. You can't kill a mindset.

    Lycan is correct. Where does it end?

    It doesn't. There will always be crazies on this planet that believe they are right, and you are wrong.
  2. They'll all be dead soon any ways. What are they like 90 now?

  3. ....what?
  4. So basically you're threatening to do what they did themselves? This.. This is why the aliens won't talk to us :lol:
  5. Shilling. Meaning paid. JIDF Jewish Internet Defense Force. Blue Pill. Counter to Red Pill. A Matrix reference.

    You would be surprised of the amount of paid posters online. 50 centers.

    You all should be propaganda pros by now. How long has this forum been running? happens
  6. Sweet, where do I sign up to be a paid propagandist? I'll work for both sides and make double.
  7. I dunno?

    Mainly it's done through governments, and political organizations.

    Or like CNN, they have paid bloggers and tweeters. You can see them sometimes when they pan out from the news desk.

    Mostly it's done in comment sections of news articles. Anyone familiar will know CNN closed its comments section for the majority of its articles. They got hammered non stop. Like 50-60 post a min all day in high traffic articles.

    Like Iraq Ukraine Syria Israel etc etc

    It's a little harder in a forum like this one. Especially when there is game play involved.
  8. I firmly believe these "people" should be killed. Why give them a chance to live, inflicting pain, torture and death for millions?

    Concerning ISIS, they are a disgrace to humanity. As a Muslim myself, I utterly despise these animals. "Allahuakhbar", they say. How dare they link Islam to the unnecessary slaughter they are committing... It's so sad that people like this exist.

    Nazis, ISIS... the lot. They shouldn't be given the chance to spread hate, as they did/are doing. As I said, I firmly believe they should be killed before they can doing anything. It's sounds like a harsh thing to say, but it's a necessary action.
  9. Here's an interesting question:

  10. So you are saying killing people to prevent people from killing is going to help? Seems legit
  11. You cannot destroy an idea, only contain it.

    If you kill all of them, their ideas will still live on in history and therefore they will never not exist.

    They wanted power, and to get power, you need a common enemy. Europe has always had something with Jews, and to blame them was much easier.
  12. What a lot of people (such as yourself) seem to be confused about, is the fact that I DON'T support a policy of genocide against people like Nazis, homophobes, and creationists. This thread wasn't created to spread that kind of thinking around, I just brought up this topic purely for speculation.
  13. Well said :D
  14. I'll start off by saying that I'm an ethnic German. I hate the Nazis, mainly because of what they did to people like the Jews, but also because they cause people nowadays to compare REAL Germans with these monsters. A few months ago, some moron in my school compared me and a few of my German friends unfavorably to Nazis, and as you can imagine, we weren't terribly comfortable with that. :lol:
  15. Does op not realize that killing off those groups because of what op believes is no different than what the groups mentioned are doing?
  16. Best burn in thread?
  17. If you condemn people for their beliefs then you are really not any better than them regardless if they are seen as delusional.