An Interesting Question

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TurdFerguson1000, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Give the family an apology and free passes to Disneyland.
  2. Well then, that's why we won't make the mistake unless it's proven BEYOND a doubt. But those people should be killed. We have too many people proven to be involved in ****, child porn and ****, and murderers in our jails.
  3. So you are saying you hate people who kill who they dont like so you want to kill who you dont like?
  4. See my post above and on last page. I don't entirely agree with killing Neo-Nazis, but some other people deserve it.
  5. I agree completely.
  6. This is all becoming subjective now. How about proper reasons that aren't just opinions.
  7. I am not saying I disagree. I am saying I disagree with the argument. If they want to believe that Jews, homosexuals, minorities, etc. have no place on this Earth, i think we can let them so long as they haven't acted upon that belief. I do agree that we should be less conservative of the death penalty.
  8. That's the inherent problem with discussing Capital Punishment in the USA. There are too many problems that can only be solved with opinions- which people can't take as a reason to end someone's life.

    Edit: Ooh... Nearly 11k posts. :D
  9. So on the other side of the coin they r thinking this of america or western society and doing exactly what u say in ur post
  10. Yes the nazi were bad people and did horrible things but at the same time we as a whole world would not know about the human body in detail that the German scientist discovered back with the holocaust and the horrible acts that went on so on one side it was very bad but on the other side it was very good because of them now we have a different part of science that came about because of what the nazi's were doing.
  11. You don't necessarily need a reason to express your hatred for Neo-Nazis, or other hate groups. They're evil, horrible "people", plain and simple. :) Heck, the fact that Nazis are evil is not only an opinion, it's a proven fact! :D
  12. Well I guess it was all good that 6 million of my people were killed... For science.

    God, you sound like GLaDOS from Portal- and she was killed. :D

    Edit: Yay. 11k posts.
  13. Reasons for actions, OP.
  14. Don't get why his name is censored in so many places.
  15. Yeah, it is actually kind of annoying to me. Adolf Hitler was a very bad "person", but his name didn't single handedly kill 6 million people. :roll:
  16. His command did.

    I guess we could say he liked his orange juice... Concentrated. >.>
  17. Why the "person" quotation marks...? Are you implying he wasn't human?
  18. I agree with him then.

    And no, he wasn't saying he was extra terrestrial... >.>
  19. Or wasn't what one would assume a person (a moral one at that) to be.
  20. Phoenix knowing more about how the body works helped come up with some of the medicine and also unlocking the gnome for DNA research with out hitler and his band of German scientist more than 6million people would have died for some silly little viruses and diseases

    The nazi's opened scientist eyes to epigenetics which has saved more than 6 million lives