an idea to get rid of sh in ee

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-CLOUD-I_I_I, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Oh my science, this is just about the dumbest idea to crawl out of the mouth of people complaining about ee.

    CH or SH, they are strategy builds to force favorable match ups for the clan using them. Instead of bitching about it, find some sh's for your clan.

  2. I forgot the " on my fake quotes.
  3. They are not strategy. They are used so they can gain am advantage. We could use sh if we wanted to. But the wars are better without them. They are exploit. The reason fewer people war is because of them. The reason so many is because people build drop. Not eliminating them just separating them. Why should a build that cost less than a trillion make the same as someone who has spent trillions to grow. That's like comparing a big mac to a prime rib.
  4. Techniques used to gain advantage in war is STRATEGY.
  5. U say strategy and most say exploit
  6. The small boulder make gold for hitting successfully bigger builds.

    And I swear anymore Big Macs cost around the same price as a prime rib. Lol
  7. Op, u are a moron, period. A sh is part of the strategy used by a clan. I was sh for awhile n I loved it. Honestly ur gonna ***** Bc someone found a way to war great while being smaller n ur complaining Bc ur bigger than them and won't drop?! Seriously stop whining, we've heard how they're unfair a million n one times now. It's old
  8. strategies can also be exploits. Learn what strategy means mate. It is not a word to be related with fair play.

    Still making it to where only 10mcs and up can ee is stupid.

    Also towers are why most people won't ee, not shadow hansels
  9. I support SH, they are the robbing hoods of law.
  10. The reason few people war is because EE sucks. KaW is about 1/2 EB, 1/3 of OSW and 1/5 is EE.

    OSW are more fun than EE. You have rage and **** like that in OSW. You have whiners in EE.
  11. I didn't say they couldn't war. Just 2 leagues
  12. Since when is there nor whinners in osw
  13. Because nobody gets in an OSW. They will Cf. They can war with whatever build they want. Sh, gh, tank, attack, hybrid, hansel or ps, you just have to know your build and how to work it.
  14. Agree mac never said differently. But this is about ee not osw thread
  15. Mac only made a comparison between ee, eb, and osw. You was the one to go to further explaining about the osw part of his comment, not him. ;)
  16. Support the idea of having tier based wars. The devs have proven it is possible with the individual wars.


  17. If sh builds r no more, do u honestly think something won't come along and take their place? And if there was a cs minimum cap (let's say for instance 10mcs) what r we telling new ppl who join everyday about their prospects on ever warring? And this "exploit" (gh/sh) has been around BEFORE S1...adapt and adjust.
  18. You have a great idea old friend ! Use a tiered war system based on CS under 7.5 mil 7.5-15, 15-22.5 and 22.5 and up . Clans that want to war together for rosters in those guildelines. Then it becomes a challenge, to decide how to form a roster in your tier . Lets all sizes war fairly.
  19. No support... This is a ridiculous idea. it doesn't deal with SH fairly and is extremely unfair on mids and those around 9-8m stats.