An Idea On How To Get More Mithril?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyrie-XV, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Post feedback with "Bounty hunter FTW!"  lets start. Movement!
  2. Estoc wars pay awfully in terms of mithril. LOL. Either a troll or a dumbass.
  3.  Sure any Idea to get more Mithril What do I have to loose
  4. No support? Why not?
  5. No support mith is considers a hard earned resource u gotta grow big to get more. Part of the game, u can earn sometimes up to 100mith each war so shush with this thread.
  6. To be fair.. The only idea that stands a chance of slightly being implemented is my bounty hunter. Me n anarchy brainstormed off my initial post and thought of all possibilities and ways to avoid abuse. Even if everyone posted feedback support to bounty hunter, we'd only then get a lil more chance of it happening.
  7. Not to bad of an idea, the one about battle list dropping myth ! We should have a way to generate some extra myth incase an osw breaks out 
  8. This thread pisses me off. Stop making these. Mith is hard to earn period everybody wants it or a reason! It gives bad ass equip and the unholy aura for strips in OSW and cool spells that boost ur stats. Lil_mony is small and managed to get all the equip must of been very hard to do. Making mith easier to get would just smack everyone in the face.
  9. Pac man, if lil mony's account is old enough, they could've topped over 1000 mithril easy from sales. Making it very easy to earn the rest of the mithril through some of the wars they did.
  10. Jam. Yeah maybe they had some besides what they got from wars. But still I warred and won 77mith I bought helm and enchanted partial their isn't really use for these threads.
  11. You guys don't understand, it's fairly simple how mony got all that equip.

    One reason is he's done almost every war since estocs came out.

    And the other is the smaller you are, the more mith payout you receive. And also the less inc you take.
  12. @pac man , not necessarily true bro. I mean, it is now, but when myth first came out, players had the ability to buy 20-30 a day for months straight ! And then multiple times after that , myth was put on sale for 1-2 week increments.
    What I'm saying is , it's really not fair to the newer players that never had the option to buy myth. This current myth system promotes the larger gap between older and newer players.
    I think the equipment is makes too big a difference to overall success in estoc wars, hence , newer clans won't have a shot agenst clans that do have them, making earning myth, in the current "only way to optain myth" system and equipment unattainable to new players.
    Devs should consider something to help keep the game growing cuz lets face it, osw makes players reset and or quit all the time!
    What happens when more quit than join...
    The population shrinks . That's what !!
  13. New players need to get their asses and grow. Mith I agree should be a hard earned resource just because what it offers.
  14. There's a reason why they made a limit... So people would war
  15. Exactly. First ur saying "it's a war game and no one wars" devs offer increased payouts changed times or other regions and I still see you lil ******* complaining.
  16. Why so many threads wanting mith outside of warring?

    The kawmunnity complained there is not a enough war so we got incentive to war but now it is too hard smh


    At least the Bounty Hunter idea maintains the PvP


    WAR for your ******* mith!
  17. You can't please everyone. IMO the most annoying thing is someone complaining that they should be able to buy mith or earn miths a different way... Unless your idea is actually really good like Val and Anarchy's idea.