An Explanation for Magoo

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. I have it on good authority that they speak "Destroy this country".

  2. Don't trash Mexico.. They have the best zombie strippers..
  3. You've hit an unavoidable Zeth weakness. Salma Hayek.
  4. -Correction. Best vampire strippers 
    in the movie dipicted, they're not zombies....but hell, i ain't been to mexico so they could have the best zombie strippers? Who knows?
    Minny probably does 
  5. I can assure you she does.

    And Mexico is less Vampire Strippers, more Wall Climbing Training right now.
  6. They shiuld just use a trebuchet. Probably be easier 
  7. @Zeth

    I laughed at the Wall Climbing Training comment. True.
  8. Swoons 
  9. laughed throughout this all. gj 
  10. Anytime.
  11. Aw.
  12. Disclaimer: This may not be the Magoo you believe it to be.
  13. Bump for magoo
  14. I read the first paragraph saw "my nipples were erect",made the decision to stop reading lol
  15. Probably wise.
  16. I read on. I found it quite...titillating...