I've already started converting GH alts and it's enjoyable. Sure ill miss the sweet plunder but it's a lot funner making different types of build.
I'm not nearly as dramatically effected as a GH, but I have some guilds to take down myself. Did it to drop build, increase bfa and in a secondary point, make a little more plunder. Looking forward to taking those down on the 28th.
Personally i dont see what all the butthurt is about. Yes, when you start converting, your plunder intake will drop, but only until you have converted enough. Eventually while converting, your plunder will go back up and be much better than any gh will ever make. So instead of whining, put some time into making gold and improving your build.
The reason I see the devs making this change is because they are making more content. Content that is considered "endgame" content, meaning you must progress in the game to have access to this content. Being a GH will not allow you to have access to the new things, so the devs are giving a firm push, directed at the new stuff. Just my thought....
Lol war I have full troops have had half troops... You've been DTW All day considering I couldn't even hit you... You are self pinning to "lower my troops" that's about it
Id just like to thank all the gh who abused and exploited the system you all did a real nice ****ing job :?
Honestly u think the devs would have cared if ee people wouldn't have abused the build so much to screw their system up?
Ty Station, my thoughts exactly. Was not an issue until EE.. and honestly the build wouldn't have gotten so much grief if it wasn't for a few clans that MAJORLY exploited the gh/lb combo. Those are the ones that GH's should be upset with. First and last post on the matter
Full bar winter attacks 7 items pays.....okay I guess. Headhunter spies full bar easy assassination pays well on steals; )