An Apology Letter to the Writers of FF

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. Dbo him self, said he was in 3rd grade I believe in cheese cakes story. So what I want to know how dbo actually knows HOW to write an actual story. That's my question.
  2. yeah cause I'm for SERIOUSLY in 3rd grade.

    besides. even a 3rd graders knowledge of story structure and creative talent would understand that the stories here suck assholes.
  3. *runs out of popcorn*

  4. Shame cheeseā€¦

    This is why I brought some!

    *Hands Cheese massive pile of popcorn*
  5. *Steals some of the popcorn and lounges in a lawn chair, eating popcorn and enjoying the show*
  6. oh yay let's start role playing!?!!
  7. 25 Troll Streak for Dbo. Tactical Nuke is ready at your go.
  8. Well, the evidence is convincing.
  9. I applaud you dbo! Well played good sir!
  10. Im not defending or supporting dbo but really if u all r aspiring writers do u really not expect any kind of critisism of any kind? Do u expect to blindly give manuscripts to publishers n bam now ur published? Any (worthwhile) artist embraces critisim for what it is a learning tool
  11. The problem with dbo is, he is a bully. He doesn't criticize. He destroys.
  12. lol so this is your new line of argument featherdumper?

    "d bo is a bully" lol

    I'm a bully because I think your stories are crap and tell you so? awesomesauce.
  13. Destroys? Have u lost anything u have written due to fire or deletion on his part? he is prob an *** to people posting in ff but that is critizism not destruction. If u associate a harsh secriticto destuction u might be pursuing the wrong pathif u wish to be a writer it only gets wor
  14. Feather if you can't take the truth why post. Dbo gives out criticism, maybe if your stories were quality he would compliment them.
  15. Sry for poor spelling im a drummer not a writer. Btw that is how I know bout critsizm shoot sometimes the crowd is still booing the band before us whrn we get on stage (4 all u tap fans out there)
  16. lol, he doesn't criticize though. He just makes extremely rude comments that are malicious, not constructive criticism.
  17. If you can't take the hate, don't post.

    That's all I should even need to say.