an apology for poppabear

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SamuelDenStore, Oct 13, 2013.

  1. Gunner how dim can you be ??? Just stay in your cc and pretend LR is making a difference in this war....

    Now run to your happy EE place
  2. @ Pup Devil - that wasn't the point. Re-read the post. So many like to say I "use" it, yet they are the same ones bringing it up over and over and over. I rarely, if ever, bring it up unless specifically asked about it. That's the point. If anyone is "using" it, it's the insensitive idiots bringing it up constantly.
  3. This whole thread is an embarassing waste of space to be completely honest. Apology was accepted.

    Can we get a lock on this low effort "apologetic" thread now?

    I mean seriously, PoppaBears acceptance of the apology had more effort.

    And applegirl never met you or know who you are but if you really do have cancer I'm sorry those are using it against you. If not then I'm still sorry for you.

    Also what clan even does apology threads anymore over something this small though? >.>

    It's an open ally market get use to your allies getting bought, unless they hit you after buying then whats the big deal. I say dont hire mine because mine is my bf and we'll both farm you for the cash back, at least mine is just a warning for your ownsake. Anyhow good day.

    HoG - this is all in no offense to you, but seriously thiswas one of the worst apology threads i've seen. Definitely in the top 5.
  4. Lets put this in simpler terms.

    When i was assassinating, you were scout bombing me. I zeroed myself while assassinating, all you did was assist.

    Please get your facts straight :roll:
  5. I never said LR is the high and mighty war changers... WDGAF and ZAFT work together which is why we are going to win this war... No one clan is a game changer here and i never said anything like that so keep talking buddy that seems to be all that you even try at.
  6. 1. Apple girl I do more than scout u
    2. I don't say anything about illness . This is a game .
    3. Poppa sure as hell can fight his own battles
    4. Momma is right ! We are a family !

    Please keep to thread . There are decent warriors in both sides . They know who they are . Name calling is not impressive .
  7. Be back in 3 hrs pup. have fun hitting me while i'm gone 
  8. @Gunner,
    oG allegedly received a promise form ZAFT that they wouldn't interfere if a war occurred.
  9. Bzz - I respect you for calling out PoopaBear for his name calling . I wasn't referring to you, BTW. There are many on your side who have been respectful.
  10. Oh yeah gunner. You talking out yo ass
  11. Domo read your clan mates post... It says name calling isnt impressive. So run along now
  12. Still talking out your ass 
  13. You radiate extreme intelligence...
  14. All I see is . Apology excepted . The rest is just mumbo jumbo .
  15. @Domo, How many nakie members do you see at DR?
    German Foxes has 30, and that's with WDGAF targeting MG/NBN.
  16. WDGAF ? What they actually exist 
  17. I know man,I though regulator INC was just a myth......
  18. As a former Pumpkin-Bear, I support poppa

  19. Support poppa! And apology threads are still around.
    But I gotta say their is one person on this post who is by far one of the biggest attention whores I've ever seen on this game. It's disgusting really.
  20. #3 in last rights stripped & cleared. Muhahahahahaha