An Alternative to The Art of War

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXxFemme_FatalexXx, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Nice thread!!!! Keep it up.

    Also, Nivans, I believe the sacrifice stratagem is when you sacrifice a bunch of your soldiers in a sacred ritual, and because of your sacrifice, during war a giant tree falls on the enemy.
  2. Great read my friend. Brilliant stuff.
  3. Loved reading this years ago
    Thanks for posting and reminding me of an awesome read. Should be a sticky for a pure common sense guide applicable as much to life as the game itself.
  4. What a read! Sticky it! Thanks op.
  5. Whilst a very good read, these are basically just some obvious fundamentals of war put into fancy wording. If you are in an osw clan, for example, you'll notice a lot of these tactics take place almost every day.
  6. Cool. Will be good to know when I take over the world
  7. This is amazing. Is this a book? I really need to read this.
  8. It there were no skos, these would work amazing in EE wars.
  9. Gr8 thread :) :) :)
  10. Good read.

    If you like that, I recommend 48 Laws of Power and the other books of that series.
  11. This was a good read
  12. Wow, I feel like I know this from somewhere...
  13. Wow, that was an amazing read. Best of?

  14. Great thread
  15. support for op n ty for this
  16. @mod

    Can you please move this to Strategy section of forums, posted in wrong area. thanks!
  17. These are to be applied to kaw?
  18. What do you do for a living iProph?