An Adventure

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zethryr, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. I demand to be in the next adventure...I will be a shameful passive aggressive that rides Moose...a Moose jockey if you will 
  2. No support. Stupid stories.
  3. These are usually the reactions I Get. What, or Best Of.
  4. Best of Acid Trips and Fever Dreams, maybe?
  5. Lol you're silly. The best of section. What every forumer dreams of getting their thread put in to.
  6. My only dream is having senpai notice me.
  7. Neither.
  8. Zeth you dolphin I better be in it as well
  9. Hey. Name's Senpai.
  10. #ZethIsDolphin

  11. Delivering it here since the other thread vanished as fast as my doppelgänger
  12. Take dem keks elsewhere.
  13. Bump this one is a good laugh thanks zeth
  14. No patience to read all the comments, but the op was a great read. I look forward to hearing about more adventures.
  15. I wanna go on an adventure!
  16. First time tl;dr. I will be back tommorow tho when less "influenced".