Americas Last Days

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Player23578289, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. Don't cite what govt's feed us cuz believing they r transparent is for fools.

    List which powers respect other nations sovereignty or simply exploit them for economic gains. Follow the money.
  2. The most intelligent comment sofar

  3. mmm perfect FoxNews reply - you're a commie. First let let me tell you what I believe and who I am: I am anti-communist, I am Western European and therefore I have a very large debt of gratitude towards the US for first freeing us from Fascism and then for helping us rebuild and third for keeping the Soviets from imposing on us another type of fascism. During my military service I actually faced soldiers from a communist country across my border. No love lost there.

    I also have a variety of American friends and find myself very at ease with Americans. They are direct and generally easy going (although my favorite people are Australians). My Issue is with politicians.

    I am a postnationalist politically and while I am perfectly fine with the US (and any other country) pursuing their strategic goals I am less impressed when they hand me a poop sandwich and tell it's Nutella. There is something funny about a political class that has made America the democracy with the highest rate of incarceration of its own citizens, a place where visible minorities are economically and politically marginalized and pretty regularly gunned down by police standing up and telling everyone that they have the recipe for freedom and ethnic unity and that we should adopt it. If the Swedes or the Swiss or the Danes said that i'd be more likely to take it at face value.

    On your points:

    Let's grant you Libya since all of NATO participated. About Syria.... sure it was within the confines of the Arab Spring but here is a handy summary of events in 2013 from the Washington Post - apologize as I am using a well-know Soviet, obviously communist newspaper - which details US arming Syrian rebels in anti-Assad function. Vice-President Kerry comments on the operation are included. ... story.html

    Again nothing wrong with wanting to push the Russian puppet out but don't tell me you were not involved. Because if it is true you should let the White House know to check with you before speaking.

    Someone was also mentioning that I cheery picked Ms. Nuland. First of all there are both her (Assistant Secretary of State for eurasian Affairs - a pretty important post considering that she is responsible for policy in 50 countries) and the US Ambassador to the Ukraine. They both agree that the point of view of the EU is irrelevant. Now these are two very powerful people representing the top functionaries in that area that the US had involved in the Ukrainian crisis. If the policy of the State Department had been in conflict with the statement they would have been removed from their posts. They are both still there. That makes me think that President Obama agrees with her statement - he might have preferred it was not made on an unsecure line but he agrees with it.

    Here is a good summary of who Ms. Nuland is. ... -diplomat/

    A very shrewd operator and an asset to US foreign policy to be sure but that does not change the fact that the crisis in the Ukraine touches the US only marginally while it affects Europe much more heavily. I think that because of that the US State Department decided that playing the card of breaking Ukraine up from the Russian influence sphere would pay off in two ways:
    1. It would weaken Putin with other Post-Soviet republics (and it did - since now most are concerned that they could become the next Ukraine)
    2. I would weaken the EU policy or rapprochement with Russia (and it did)

    This is also not the first time that the West tries to weaken the Southern flank of Russia. Georgia's army was trained and equipped by Israeli specialists. Which I think plays a logical and even positive role in stopping Putin.
  4. I suspect more a few people around the world expect America to disappear in a violent conflict all of it's own creation within it's own borders.

    The levels of anger displayed by your citizens towards each other combined with the amount of weaponry some think you all should possess makes it worryingly likely.

    Seems almost that America spends more time hating itself recently and screaming abuse at it's people who aren't the same.

    Hundreds die from gun crime and the answer from some is more guns for every one. The inequality is growing both economic and seemingly racial too and yet it looks possible that your next president maybe someone who is actively divisive and dismissive of all but the dollar.

    Americas finest hours have been cooperative efforts working with others both foreign and domestic not hateful acts of division.
  5. Very well-written, Ashvar

    Stop dying for the world and live for the King.
  7. As an American who's finally old enough to vote, here's my opinion on our biggest issues:

    Social security - we are out of the stone ages and need to drop this crap. Main reason for debt, solved.

    College prices - a middle income family like mine can't get **** for grants or low interest loans. But a low class family whose kid goes off to party at college can go there for free, or get reimbursement from unused tuition to find the parties.

    Fighting wars over things that aren't our business, but we think we need to be the world police. Instead of fighting, work on infrastructure my lord.

    Rant over.
  8. Your Social Security has only been around less than 80 years that's not the stone age you pretentious brat, 4 generations of elderly cared after when they could no longer work isn't a long time.

    What about those low income families who are not apart of your stereotypical view? I'm not saying all low income are not people abusing the system but nor are they the opposite.

    This I can agree with.
  9. Social security was payed for by millions of older hard working people their money they payed in deserves to be theirs

    College education does not need to be free nor does the prices of it need to drop

    Wars will always be fought over things people see uncalled for

    How about this one quit paying congress 130k a year for the rest of their life and make it like a public state office that is no more than a part time job and use that money to help create an economy

    Lower all the epa standards that say doing it this way is causing global warming so that manufacturing jobs can come back to the United States

    Open up drilling for oil on government land that has restrictions to do so

    College educations is nothing more than a for profit company using young people who they know they can not pay back the loans the accrue
  10. Drop social security?
    You out of your mind? Social security is one of the best policy decisions America has made in the last 100 years.

    Without social security, millions of under-privileged people would be sent on the street to starve. Do you want millions of people to starve?

    If you're middle class and can't afford college, why do you think it would be a good idea to make it IMPOSSIBLE for the lower class to go o college? Maybe the problem isn't the lower class. Maybe the problem is tuition fees. In Austria and other countries, tuition is free in college. Anyone can pursue an education if they work hard enough, and they can do so without accumulating too much debt.

    If social security gets cut, the lower class will be forced deeper down. They'll literally be fighting to survive. Suddenly everyone's gonna have to foot the bill for their grandparent's survival, on top of their own, which they cannot afford.

    "Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime"

    How could someone get an education when they are suddenly responsible for making sure their grandparents don't starve? What moral obligation is there for you to say "I want us to stop giving old people an income. Time for them to work for a living."

    What about people with disabilities? Are you gonna make someone's family suffer financially if a family member has a disability or an injury? Why put that much stress on one family?

    America is the richest country in the history of the Earth. There's no reason why it should have the highest rate of child poverty in the industrialized world. Cutting social security is only going to make that worse.

    If it's cut, millions of children, disabled, and elderly, those in society who are the most vulnerable and needy, are going to pay the ultimate price.
  11. Don you can't cut government wages.
    Think about it. It's a small fraction of expenditures, and one of the most important aspects of the country. That idea's been tried before in other countries... What ends up happening is bribery. Cases of bribery have already been occurring in America. If you cut down wages, it's gonna get worse. Terrible idea.

    And to cut EPA standards is another very bad idea. Another one of the worst ideas I've come across.

    You're making 2 false assumptions here:

    1: The EPA is the reason America lost manufacturing.

    Wrong. The main reason America lost manufacturing is due to outsourcing and free trade with nations who pay their workers $1 per day.

    2: Global warming is false.

    Again, this assumption is totally wrong. It's been thoroughly proven and if you ask any scientist, it's almost guaranteed that he will tell you that CO2 is the main cause of global warming. We have records of CO2 levels from 1850. They've skyrocketed lately, and global temperatures have been rising drastically too.
  12. There's more fighting going on in this thead than actual bl on kaw. Nice job op!

    I don't mean cut it completely, that would be ludicrous now that I think of it. how about this idea: start making it 10x harder to receive it so all the lazy sons of bitches can't draw from it and waste my paycheck. I don't want my kids to have to pay for my retirement one day because my ss that got taken paycheck after paycheck was thrown to the gutter by people unwilling to work. (There are a large amount of people who do this, and it's a waste of tax payer dollars)
  13. Social security is another thorny issue.

    First of all it would be wrong to cut things like pensions, which work more like an insurance, since people paid all of their lives into them and it seems hard to take them away.

    Other things like disability payments - well it also seems to be quite harsh.

    Many people are upset about unemployment payments. In Canada we have a model that scales down payments to job seekers after a few months of them not finding work through the system or if they do not go to job interviews within a certain period of time. The cuts are strong enough that people would be forced on a street - the Canadian Employment Insurance is designed as a bridging transfer to people in trouble.

    This is the 2013 use of US social security

    To put this in perspective a Harvard Kennedy School study in 2013 calculated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could end up costing the US $6T, but in particular there are long-term, hidden costs there:

    “Overall, the Veterans Administration’s budget has more than doubled over the past decade, from $61.4 billion in 2001 to $140.3 billion in 2013. As a share of the total US budget it has grown from 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent over the same period. Soaring medical costs for veterans is attributable to several factors. Among them is that, thanks to advancements in medical technology and rapid treatment, soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan have survived wounds that would have cost their lives in earlier conflicts.”


    “The total costs stemming from Iraq and Afghanistan which may therefore be attributed to
    veterans to date is $134.3 billion. The present value of accrued costs – that is, future medical
    care and disability benefits already committed but not yet disbursed for OEF/OIF/OND veterans,
    is estimated at $836.1 billion.”

    Anyways, an important thing we tend to forget about social security is that it fuels spending for the economy. If you cut social security payments by half that money will not be spent in food, furniture, fuel, shoes, beers, etc. etc. etc. and so the company that would have made a profit from selling that stuff don't and are forced to lay off people.

    This was the original reason why social security was introduced; not because governments were nice and cozy and wanted to help you out - it was because the economy was going to contract too much as people lived longer but had no money to spend.
  14. The true power of the USA was never its dollar, but the empowering spirits of its people n God, something that will continue despite the damaged economy.
    Until you have visited other nations to compare to the USA, you are just sputtering nonsense. The USA, even under the bad economic state, is still by far, the most beautiful n military strong nation on earth!
  15. American people are weak minded. Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq. Look how the people acted. America may be strong militarily but that doesn't help much when the people turn on the government when wars happen.
  16. Your welcome. I'm sure we've either given you help financially or militarily in one way or another. If not both.
  17. Wow, people like you do exist. Mind blown.
  18. The USA, whilst I agree has beautiful parts, and absolutely the strongest military in terms of personnel and equipment, is definately not the best place to live, your welfare system sucks, laws are contradictory between states, you're owned by the top 1% of the population, you have one of the least democratic election system in the 'west', your healthcare sucks big time. The price of your huge military budget is the suffering of the lower and middle lower class. If your above that, then I'm sure it's a wonderful place to live.
  19. You never lived a life of freedom, it was all a illusion. Specially since the government control every aspect of your life. And don't even try to deny it because they have tried and successfully produced many different ways of mind control from virus to psychological ways (tested on unwilling test subjects) it's scary how much the government does without telling people then later revealing bits of the information long after its happened.