No form of government is perfect but each has its own "perks" but yet the structure that is man made can fall immediately or decay over time
Should of stayed with the English crown ️ As most of u love the royal family I would expect strong support in the states
Like every other country in the world doesn't revolve around money. Any government, even those by the people for the people, will eventually turn authoritarian and everything that goes along with it.
80% of new business fail, so 1 out of 5 succeed and are part of 15 trill dollar economy so the odds of making money, providing for your family are a lot better then playing lotto. The reality is the world needs ditch diggers too. 51% of America pays no taxes, if you don't like Obama Care, I get it, but now that 51% has affordable if not free Heath care. You want more out of 1%, why?? That will only hurt future success stories. Top 1% pay something like 75% of all tax Uncle Sam collects. Switch to a VAT system and you'll really be upset, yet it totally fair idea. There is no such thing as wealth creation through government. Most of the wealth creation you're talking about is at the top .02% and it's all related to equity ie stocks in companies that have increased dramatically, held for longer then 1yr it's a long term gain taxed now at 20% under Bush it was 15%. Taxing the rich to give more to Uncle Sam has never reaped benefits. America is about innovation, through innovation we have kept growing in terms of GDP and pollution ie that's called creating jobs. More often private equity guys go in and save companies, they restructure, clean up bad debt, and more often bad contracts and deals typically w/ unions & employees. Basically good companies over promising in good times. They provide capital for stock at the rock bottom price, when no one wants the stock to begin with and turn company around while save jobs. If successful they make a windfall. Sound like an American Dream to me. Income inequality, are we comparing uber expensive NYC to rural IOWA?? Because on an adjusted standard of living scale or cost of living, likely translates 150k to 20k. Hey you want to be a rock star, go be a rock star, you want to live in Canada for Health care, go live in Canada but no tears for 3mo wait for MRI and forget it if you have terminal illness like heart disease or need of kidney transplant....sound very third world to me. As for USSR, (deep deep breath) General Patton was correct, while our Army was over there we should have finished the job. They killed him for that....yes yes an accident. Research how many of the German high command killed themselves in less the a one week period in 1945, it ridiculous number, clearly something else happened but moving on. USSR self imploded because it was alway smaller on scale. No incentive drove country into the ground. To this day binge drinking still common, research America girl basketball player and you get gist. Either way no comparison to America, and had nothing to do with corruption. I'm guess if your dad was an oligarch you wouldn't be complaining either. Yes that country was stolen from its ppl who built under communism, for that Putin put one person in jail...lovely. Summary tax wealthy doesn't help poor, poor Joe Lewis probably knows that best, the guy was taxed at 90% and died poor. The secret to wealth creation is hard work, and good ole American mentality of it there's a will there's a way. A had one more point if I remember I'll be back Communism is the greatest idea for a future world may be in a few hundred years it will work. Free energy, water and food are needed first....then maybe. Hey I'm an opptimist. Be happy working for the man or make a difference and take a chance at starting a company.
A few points: America is a constitutional republic and a representative democracy. It's not one or the other. It's both. Socialism is a label. There are many varieties and no single definition covers the entire philosophy. Claiming "socialism doesn't work" indicates a lack of understanding of what it is. Most industrialized nations are social democracies of varying degrees, including America. There absolutely is a difference between the two major American political parties. Neither is perfect, but one clearly favors the wealthy. If you don't think so, you haven't been paying attention for the last 35 years.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." — Preamble of the original "organic" Constitution "We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness." — Excerpted from the Declaration of Independence of the original thirteen united states of America, July 4, 1776
VMA I found some truth in that statement.... But quite frankly, taxing those who have excessive amounts of money is the lesser of two evils. I would much rather tax one millionaire and save thousands of struggling people some trouble than not. If we can give valuable skills to thousands of people by helping them out a little, then that's what's gotta be done. Money put towards health care or better schooling is better than money put towards a yacht. Health care and schooling will have long-term benefits for society... A yacht won't. As for Obamacare... I am against it. I think that a universal health care system is much less complicated and more efficient. In Obamacare, hospitals are still private and the system still does not find a way to lower health care costs. For example, in Canada, we mass produce crap tons of medicine all in one place to lower the aggregate cost per capita. Few advertisements for those ads cuts prices down even more. In America, there are several companies producing medicines and who are spending tons of money on advertising campaigns for that product. _________________________________ I believe that it comes down to opportunity. People are only capable of so much work. If you give someone the opportunity to better themselves and succeed, they will do it. If you make it hard for them to better themselves and succeed, then it's more likely that they won't. Now on to the history. But if you want to discuss whether or not WWII could have been pushed into Russia, then the world would be totally different. America might not have even won. The fact of the matter is that the USSR was stronger than the USA at the war's end, in military terms if you don't include the atomic bomb. The USSR had far more troops and quite frankly, the UK and its empire were already exhausted from both the Great Depression and the war. Though, it could be argued that the USSR's army was being run on American oil and being fed with American. I do think the world would've been better off without the USSR, but it could have been better if its early leaders had not been so power-hungry. I also believe that today, we are at our resource capacity. The Earth had a finite amount of resources, so all that can really be done at this point is to use less and improve technology in order to do more with less.