Why not make it $1000 per individual. No need for gross amounts of donations. Stop politicians buying votes n start earning them. They want in then they pay n earn it. Who needs politicians in power brokers pockets in this day n age of media n internet. If thats a bad idea then live with money wins n citizens get bombarded by cash paid ads. Prediction Democrats outspend Republicans n win again.
It's ridiculously low. Try in the neighborhood of 50%. Whoever told the Yanks they pay high taxes should be taken behind the barn and shot.
Funny how some us americans still believe there would be a difference between dems and reps. Again its not the government who make the decisions. This is just for the people to lead their anger in the wrong directions. Whenever there is made a political decision there is at least one lobbyist behind it earning vast amounts tax-funded dollars of it. No matter if its a war, a change in the health system or any other topic.
America has been in decline for 30 years, and now countries like Brittan, Sweden, Canada or any developed country laughs at america for being so far behind. It's like that kid who was the tallest in the class in grade 6 but hasn't grown since and is now the runt of the class by graduation.
okay, don't pretend other countries dont have problems either. It might not be police brutality, but corruption and privacy issues exist everywhere, as an example. maybe not sweden though, sweden is dope.
I'm not a socialist. Socialists want equal wealth for all. However, I am a fan of Liberal Capitalism. Basically it is capitalism, but capitalism that restricts the power of individuals and gives help to those who need it. Higher taxes to those who are wealthy and don't need money, and lower taxes for those who do need money. Lots of conservatives say that this type of "middle class" or "trickle up" economics does not work... But look at trickle down economics. Since Reagan's time, when he first proposed this "trickle down" effect, income inequality has surged. Middle and lower class wages have stagnated and have actually gone down when you adjust for inflation. Meanwhile, the rich have gotten far richer. Obviously if this trend continues, it could become worse than ever in American history. The idea of trickle down economics is that if you feed oats to a horse, it will go through its digestion system and eventually there will be oats remaining after it goes through so that the sparrows can eat as well. As it turns out, there are more direct ways to feed the sparrows.
I agree, both sides are to blame. Both parties are very right-wing. What's to blame more though is the system that they are in. The system itself will cause parties to lean towards the right. I think that every government who has not outlawed this practice of donating is equally responsible... But then again, will the government want to repeal this law if it makes them so much money?
Americas democracy is the reason these problems exist... No political system is perfect. There is always greed. It's a human problem, not a political one and every country suffers because of it
Ok not being able to spell your own country or taking pride in spelling it incorrectly not something you should consider a good thing. Somewhat limits the credibility of your posts
Sadly it's more than just political parties it's parents and teacher failing the ones their supposed to teach and groom.
Oh dear kinda not helping the case there. America wasn't meant to be a democracy it's always been a republic. It's been a 240+ year experiment one that has been rather successful. Are there huge issues with money and corruption ? Yep there are but it's basic values aren't endangered unless people stop thinking it's meant to be a diverse and inclusive melting pot of culture's people's and ideas. It's at its greatest when it's somewhat united and listening to the better parts of its collective psyche. Not being divided over wedge issues by suits with expensive hairdos selling a very particular brand of whatever stupid is flavour of the month.
Ok first things first, go out and try to become one of the 1%, it's the core of capitalism, you can have nothing yet achieve anything. Example Russian immigrant who now owes 900 NYC taxi medallion worth roughly US1bill, he had nothing when he came to America and w/ Uber he may have nothing again. Try to become one of the 1%. If you want to rant about tax loop holes, I get it but right now ppl earring in top 1% pay about 50% to fed & state. It crazy that private equity guys pay 10-15%, but that's the current law so it is what it is for now. Warren Buffet said it the best "something wrong with the system if my 400k secretary pays 45% in tax yet I pay 12%" No one ever said perfect, sound like your a spread the wealth around type of guy, namely spreading it to you. Regarding donation it Super Pact contribution your talking about which can only be used to campaign, yet Hillary has a huge Super pact money which gives her a lot of sway. Again there are worse system. I'm not the biggest fan, but government in general is a sham. Only thing to do...is run. Bigger problem is speech money, getting paid to speak which likely is real bribery. You can always move to the USSR, oh wait it didn't work there either.
VMA, your argument is crazy. Are you seriously accusing me of being communist? Really? The top 1% used to pay 90% in taxes in the 1960's, when America was extremely opposed to communism. Just because things could be worse doesn't mean that they can't be better. Right now things ARE getting worse. The average American barely has any say in the elections, and the average American is losing power. Just because the economy may be growing as a whole, that doesn't mean life is getting better. The economy is only growing for the top 10% of earners. Everyone else is going nowhere. As far as becoming the 1%... That's also fairly absurd. Are you struggling in the economy and not getting a say in government? Become a millionaire and your problems will be solved.... But the problem is that nobody can afford to start a business. If nobody has disposable income, nobody is going to open up another business. If people don't have money to start businesses, then the income gap will just keep growing.