American truths

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ReznovReborn, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. You won't hear about any because they didn't happen because law-abiding citizens had guns.
  2. :lol: that is literally the most stupid argument I've ever heard. You can't know what their intentions are until they start opening fire. This is assuming they are somewhere where you can carry a gun, if they're not then that "law abiding citizen" is not law abiding at all. And if you shoot someone before they even open fire? You're the criminal. I'd say you live in Florida and support the "stand your ground" law, but you have TX in your name. :roll:
  3. Typically the ccl holder fires after other shots have been fired and/or 1-2 persons have been hit, thus, it never became a mass shooting
  4. Hopefully this is a troll.

    Free post-secondary tuition will be cheap to give. Closing corporate tax loopholes alone will pay for it and will be a massive incentive for people to get an education.

    Single-tier health care will cost you more in taxes, but it will save you money in general. The USA pays more for health care than any other country, with results that areally about the same. One pill in the USA costs twice (at least) as much as a pill in another country. People in the USA don't take their pills due to prices, then end up costing the taxpayers tons of money when they go to the emergency room.

    Canada is considering making prescription drugs free, to save money on emergency room visits. It's projected that we'll save $4 at the emergency room for every $1 spent on prescription drugs, just by making the incentive for people to take their medications.
  5. And what are the odds they'll live? :lol: People are told not to be vigilantes for a reason.
  6. The politicians these people listen to say things like "a small loan of a million dollars" all the time and then when they heard the price tag of something reasonable they lose their minds because these politicians say it's wrong. :lol:
  7. Nah. Getting pregnant in highschool isn't planned parenthood. Accidents happen and thats the stuff you need abortion for. And actually, isn't it a limit of 3 months into the pregnancy? (idk about us-laws, in germany it's 3 months)

    Wtf? Not every muslim believes in killing non-believers. Only extremists do.

    basically every EU-country disagrees, do you even think about what you say?
  8. I honestly don't know whether you're a troll or an idiot... 'People in america are incredibly stupid' 'I'm going to give you all some logic'

    Well done, you just generalized everyone in america, called them stupid, and called all your opinions logic...
  9. In one hand you hold a human baby. In the other hand you hold a petri dish which holds a single fertilized human egg. Only one can live. Which do you choose?

    Don't tell me that a fertilized egg is a person. A foetus is incapable of even feeling until way down the line.

    Also, take into account that when abortion is illegal, people are going to do it illegally. This means they can an unqualified person to do it without the necessary equipment. There have been thousands of people who died during illegal abortions because they didn't have access to the right equipment or people.

    Edit: @Yuusei
    In Canada I don't think we have any restrictions on abortion. So you can get one at any point in the pregnancy
  10. Why was the OP posted with a statless alt?
  11. Pathetic and cowardly. You have no business trashing my countrymen when you, yourself lack the honor to post with your main, OP.
  12. :lol: and he says people will get illegal guns anyways but doesn't realize it'd be the same for abortions :roll: and there is a fine line between recreational use of "marijuhana" ( :lol: OP can't spell) and illegal guns.
  13. So it's a mercy killing? Are we doling out mercy killings now?

    And don't give me the "it's not a child" BS. Anybody who looks finds numerous cases of children surviving abortions, and proof of consciousness while in the womb, particularly when an unborn child grabs the finger of a surgeon operating on the mother.

    Not alive? You're justifying the killing of unborn children. Simply slapping another name on it and calling it legal.
  14. :roll: it isn't a person. It's a bundle of cells. Do you feel empathy for the millions of your gametes you launch to certain death? No.
  15. Notice the title, " American [T]ruths." The word "truths" required the qualifier of being "American" because the nonsense the OP spouts is only believed by a portion of the American public. To the rest of the American people and the rest of the thinking world, the purported truths are self-evident as unsupported and ignorant opinions.
  16. @pipebomb- A bundle of cells? When, the first week? How about when they're 20 weeks in and do it?
  17. To put it into perspective.

    From what I have read on it, standard abortion deadline in America is 24 weeks old.

    Babies have been born that are 24 weeks old, and have survived.

  18. That's true. However unwanted pregnancies SHOULD be dealt with earlier than that.
  19. Unborn babies are trying to be given more rights than women and Muslims in this country. It's funny.

    Just be honest. You don't want aborted babies because you need to turn them into dead soldiers 18 years later fighting wars for geopolitical, socioeconomic, and corporate profit reasons.

    Remember when we were "trying to free" the Middle East? By bombing civilians. Now we've made it easier by just demonizing the entire region and training/funding extremist regimes so the war will never end. Even when there is a Rothschild central bank in every country, there will be another goal and you will be fed another lie to go to war.

    Next time you try to drop logic, make sure that facts are at least on your side.
  20. Most abortions are in the first trimester, as said numerous times.