America in bad shape..Obama only making things worse

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KA____CHEWBAKKA____KA, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Whare the reppy at?
  2. Show urself u disgusting, pathetic tea party trash!
  3. I'm glad you have yet again mentioned this. Let's discuss it:

    According to you: Bush inherited a surplus from Clinton. Bush then created a debt, in spite of this inheritence. With this, you state hussein had to create debt to pay debt. Nice argument

    So in saltyfeet world, if you are born with $1000 debt on your shoulders, you must then spend more than twice that amount (saltyfeet, this means that you would have more than $2000 debt) to get out of debt.

    You see, salty...thinking like yours is the reason we are in such great debt. Let me make a suggestion for you. If you have $1000 in debt...get a job and work your way out That's what we Conservatives do
  4. "Whare the reppy at?"

    Anyone here speak tool? We need an interpreter for salty
  5. The debt is still there u idiot. Compounding interest btw. If u had 1000 debt u still have that plus interst plus what obama needed to save ur ass plus interest. Wow. Do u even add brah?
  6. Omg, you really are a moron
  7. Ur the biggest tool ovahere zombie. And u still dont realize it
  8. Why ? Cuz i stated the truth? Obama SAVED UR CHUMP ASS
  9. U dont make any sense btw. 1000 and then outta the blue u come up with 2000? No
    1000 in debt( bush)
    1000 in debt( obama- to save ur ass btw-)
    2000 plus interest
  10. Shhhhhhh. I'm going on a spending spree to pay off my mortgage
  11. Lives with his mommy 
  12. @ZombieTrooper actually increasing debt can help you yo get rid of all debt. Of course, depends on how you spend. Let's say you have a business. Your business its struggling and constantly create more and more debts. An investment (new debt) might turn your struggling business into a success one. So yes, in certain circumstances, spending more money will increase your debt on short term but can help you to pay the historical debts on long term.
  13. Well, salty...if you read what I posted, you'd clearly see that the actual numbers are presented. It's merely simplified for people like you who NEED things simplified for obvious purposes️
  14. You are correct, Vlad. However, to be effective one would have to accept an initial increase with a plan for it to be lowered over time by utilizing that increase to produce. Hussein has failed to do so. In fact, he has failed so badly that we may never recover.
  15. U still playing dumb when it comes to what i presented. Its like i type but u conveniently delete the parts that u dont like. Like those typed parts do not exist. Lets try again:
    Clinton surplus...s
    Bush wasted surpluss, used debt
    Obama more debt ( to save u)

    Tell me if u read the 2 first lines. Yeah, after clinton and before obama
  16. Hey everyone! Pay attention to zombie! Hes trying so hard for u to relate obama and the late iraqui dictator. Please just take a sec to take notice so zombie will let it go! Hes tired already! Plz guys
  17. Yes ZombieTrooper. That's why I said "depends on how you spend". I don't know how much of that debt increase was "durable" investments. I don't know how much of that debt was converted in infrastructure investments. If the debt was cause by social security and military spending those are lost money. On another hand I've notice you are using "commie" and "socialist" in an derogatory way. Well... Mark my words: in few decades (if not few years) you gonna bless socialism. Don't want to cause an argue here, but if you want i can explain why.
  18. wow zombietrooper is still posting his butt hurt
  19. Vlad, I will never be thankful for socialism. It doesn't work...period. That's been proven time and time again throughout history. Socialism is a large part of the problem we are currently in. You cannot take from the working to pay for the lazy. This is especially true in America where we are so laden with people like saltyfeet who CHOOSE not to wprk and just feed off of the system. Once they start receiving their free phones, free healthcare, free rent, etc., they will only continue the cycle of laziness.
  20. And salty, have offered no real facts. Please go ask someone you know with an iq higher than 30 to assist you in obtaining facts. Poor little commie