America in bad shape..Obama only making things worse

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by KA____CHEWBAKKA____KA, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Zombie waited too long to post. Hes copying to paste fo sure
  2. Still no factual argument from you...Perhaps you can use your statless alt to be the seemingly smarter one and come up with something good...bruh
  3. Page 7 brah. Cant read? I just cant b copying and pasting stuff over and over like u. I have a life
  4. I tho u took pride in ur reading skills? U no, being a grammar nazi and all
  5. I find it rather challenging to read anything you type Salty.
  6. *waiting for zombie to ignore what i said and paste again his overused paragraph*
  7. Get lost robot man.
  8. The marketable debt of the U.S. government has more than doubled, climbing by 106 percent while President Barack Obama has been in office, increasing from $5,749,916,000,000 at the end of January 2009 to $11,825,322,000,000 at the end of January 2014, according to the U.S. Treasury's latest Monthly Statement of the Public Debt.


    Now, this is where you scream the liberal battlecry, "it's Bush's fault and you're a racist", because you cannot dispute fact
  9. Not so fast
    Clinton( this guy should b a saint) left a surpluss. Then along came ur boy bush u dilapidated all and sunk this great country into debt for his wars( without proof i might add).
    Obama needed public spending to get us outta debt. Its a simple economic principle. Remember the great depression u fool
  10. Surpluss? Must be a new word Let's have a look at the numbers:

    During the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush, the marketable debt of the U.S. government almost doubled, climbing 93 percent from $2,977,328,000,000 at the end of January 2001 to $5,749,916,000,000 at the end of January 2009.

    So let's compare:

    Since President Barack Hussein Obama has been in office, it's increased from $5,749,916,000,000 at the end of January 2009 to $11,825,322,000,000 at the end of January 2014.

    Hmmmmmmmm. Ok, let's hear your battlecry now
  11. Are u blind u tea party trash?
    I said:
    Clinton surpluss
    Bush waste such surpluss and started debt
    Obama NEEDED to spend to get us outta debt.

    Now u come up with marketable debt???bahahahaha omg 
    U validated my statement( obama needed to spend and bush had debt) u just forgot to include clinton( conveniently)
  12. Nothing? No whining or namecalling? I'm disappointed in you, libby. Try harder. Try to run along and find a friend who is gainfully employed, then ask them about the current economy.
  13. Difference is obvious. Obama needed cash to save our country. Bush needed cash for his halliburton pals. And clinton just left tons of cash for future generations( he didnt count on george's stupidity)
  14. Ummm, no...marketable debt is in the original post. So again, your "now u come up with" is just more wasted space. Perhaps you should research "marketable debt"

    Oh, and I believe the word you are searching for is "surplus"
  15. But we can also talk about your impeached President Clinton and his nasty wife️
  16. You clearly know even less about economics than you do the English language, which is hard to fathom You really are the epitome of the obama voter
  17. U didnt answer my arguments. HEY, HEY... OVERHERE... I SAID CLINTON YES CLINTON HAD A SURPLUS!!!!


  18. Yeah, u have to come up with something from clinton personal life cuz u cant do anything else.
  19. U clearly know about economics brah. U avoiding clinton legacy and all
  20. Mmm i guess ur busy copying stuff. K ill wait for ur pastin'