The English press does indeed paint America in a rather dim light lol. I'm sure not EVERY American is gun obsessed. It may just looks that way from the papers. But answer me this.... Why does America have so many school shootings? They really do. They have tons of them. Google "how many American school shootings have their been in the last 20 years" and you'll get a jaw dropping result.
Again - is the problem really the gun/gun culture, or is it something deeper than that? Have there been mass homicides committed by means other than guns in the U.S? I admit that we do have societal problems here, but to blame the gun, or to naiively believe that disarming law-abiding cotizens will help is a scapegoat to the true underlying problem here. I think our deepest problem is the dissolution of the nuclear family and poor parenting. Fix those issues, and i suspect that gun violence will no longer be an issue
Dissolution of the nuclear family is the issue? Now THAT is interesting, and its an angle I hadn't considered. Does this mean that you're against gay marriage then? (As gay marriage is not a "nuclear family" in the traditional sense? I won't attack you, regardless of your answer. I'm just probing your position for clarity.
I find gay marriage absolutely mortifying on SO many levels. But the issue im talking about is bigger than just gay marriage. The issue is working single mothers/fathers who rely on decrepit public schools to rear their young and teach them morality. Not only are those children more susceptible to committing acts of ciolence, but theyre also more likely to exhibit antisocial behaviors (bullying) that trigger others to commit violence
Robert the Bruce (Scottish hero) said "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." That seems to to into your point very nicely. Seems like not many people over there are "rocking the cradle".
I'd love to probe your objections to gay marriage, as you're a very articulate poster, and I'd love to hear your reasoning as to why the American nuclear family has dissolved, but, I also don't want to take a moderator thread off topic. Oh well, the questions have been asked. Lol. Lets see where it goes.
Exactly! If you look into many mass shootings, youll almost always find a troubled kid who was marginalized and bullied for years and years before finally breaking and finding the revenge he so desperately needed. And trust me - not having access to a gun isnt gonna stop them. Just look at timothy mcveigh
We had a good, long thread about gay marriage a few months ago. I trust youre clever enough to find it...
I agree. Disarming the public only keeps criminals disarmed, and if you could disarm the criminals too (magically with jellybeans and unicorn farts) they'd still find ways to kill. Cain killed Abel and neither one of them had a gun.
Personally, i dont agree with lethal injection. imo, it costs way too much money. 1 bullet to the back of the head achieves the same end result. or straight to the heart. i dont remember the exact number but from what i recall it costs like 30,000 dollars or some insane number like that, a year to keep an inmate in prison. Now for a life sentence them years add up. Just kill them. if they have no chance whatsoever of ever getting out, and have concrete proof that they commited the severe crime. Then just get rid of them. Way easier. Maybe im crazy.
Yes you are. ... irpt-feat/ Now think that this guy would get death penalty instead 40 years in prison sentence.
Since when is serving 40 years mean the same thing as never having a chance to get out. Was a good story though, next time make it relevant to my post if youre going to reply to me.
Interesting thing I was told by locals when I was in India: Commit a crime, be unable to pay the fine or can't be physically able to work to pay your debt off- boom.....dead. I kinda like that idea. Rids society of useless, criminals rather then burdening the tax and prison systems. Now it is a bit drastic but with improvement I like it's possibilities. As for this topic. Shoot em. They know they're gonna die what's it matter to them which way? Make it cheap and quick. I certainly don't care what's a better death for them, they broke the law, death's the penalty. Deal with it. I think every country needs the death penalty.
Paying for a person to be in prison for life is the most expensive route. Let's not forget that. I am pro-death penalty. And I have no care on the method. Moose you say that lethal injection can go wrong and can backfire...but more than a hanging or electric chair? I'd choose lethal injection any day of the week. Firing range? Sure. Bullet into cranium exploding the brain - with instant cognitive deletion....sure. I have no sympathy for evil felons. But as Chez brought up, what if they are innocent? Different debate, but let's touch on it. If you are convicted of first degree murder and sentenced to die, are we the people not hypocrites? Guilty of ending someone's life, but let's spare yours and pay potentially millions of dollars over time to feed, house and clothe you? Screw that. I say first give the family of the victim the option of allowing for a legal suicide, and then run that by the inmate. I wonder how many would go along with that? But sentencing legally to kill someone who killed another...would God, Jesus, Mohammed, Allah, Buddha, and/or any other great prophet or God, agree to the death penalty? Would they agree to kill someone who killed? I'm a person who was excommunicated from my church prior to confirmation, but I know enough that most gods are forgiving, and we as humans are not to judge others...that is the job of the almighty. (According to books written hundreds of years ago by men) So, we have religion, morality, and the financial speed bump...along with the possibility of human error. Death penalties are confusing. Not to the executioner. I say be wise, be a good person, and you won't have to worry about the effects of lethal injection. If you are found guilty by a jury of your peers, and sentenced to die, chances are you'll be asleep when it happens. Lucky scumbag.
Hello. I'm back! Willy, your post is really deep and complex. Nicely stated. I wanted to bounce this off of you, however, since you brought up Christianity. Would jesus support the death penalty? Well, considering he willingly submitted to it, wouldn't you agree that he supported it? If he was opposed to it, wouldn't he have resisted roman execution? I'm honestly not being a snark on this point. Its a genuine question and I am very curious to hear what you or other Christians (if you're not one) think.
I used to be a Christian and it was fine. In the Bible there is stoning and the "eye for an eye" justice system. This is not really that different from then if you think about it.