America and lethal injection. Disciss

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. They should keep it! They have probably killed others, made them suffer, their families suffer and people around them suffer! Why should it be quick and simple when they have made others suffer for no reason. Yeah this may sound bad but if someone killed 8 people for no reason why should he be killed as quickly as possible?
  2. Killing is never right no matter how "necessary" it may seem
  3. It's not, but if someone has done something so bad, shouldn't there be an exception?
  4. Here's what I think all people who get life with no chance of ever getting out should have. I think they should be used for all those medical experiments that medical companies use. I mean why use monkeys that did nothing wrong when you can use serial killers. Save everyone money. Besides what happens with some of the experiments would be way worse that any jail time. I know ethics of messing with people but seriously why do people who murder get to live in jail with food and all and live happily ever after. I think there be way fee killers if people knew they would be tortured and used the rest of their lives. Anyway just my 2 cents
  5. Liberal alert. More like retārd alert.
  6. I don't want to be mean, but that is the arrogant "high minded" rhetoric that sounds great and has very little meaning.

    "Killing is never right"? Really?

    A very large man who can easily overpower you is coming at your daughter. He intends to kill her. You have a gun. Is it wrong to kill him? (Answer: aim for the center of mass, as that's the most statistically probable way to stop him)

    Bin laden masterminded 9/11. He continued to lead and organize other terrorist activities after that fact. Seal team six went in and executed him. Yea, they could have taken him alive because seals are amazing, but, they **** him twice in the chest and once in the head. Was this justified?
    (Answer: yes. A long and lengthy trial would have been a spectacle that made the terrorist situation even worse)

    You are in the military and are fighting for the rights of others to lead a free and decent life. People on the battle field are trying to kill you. Is it wrong to fight back? Or should you just be a bullet sponge?
    (Answer: in war, you win by killing people and breaking things. And some wars, such as WWII are justified. Your statement means every allied soldier that killed a nazi on the battle field was wrong. Maybe they should have just let "das fuhrer" run his concentration camps eh?)

    I hate empty platitudes that claim moral high ground while absconding from all thought.
  8. Prison sucks. (So I've been told). I don't think life in prison with no chance for parole is "happily ever after"
  9. States choose their own methods to carry out capital punishment. They choose how they do it for those who are there to witness it. They want it to be humane. More than likely the inmate has people there who love them regardless of their misdeeds. Imo lethal injection is the most humane. They use a mechanism to mete out the punishment to remove the responsibility for the death being on one person. There have been people wrongfully put to death in the past and it will probably happen again.
  10. I'd shoot his ass too, still doesn't make it right though. I'm just saying it's never a good thing to do.. no matter the reason

  11. Better than having the death sentence
  12. I don't mind the death penalty...just make sure the person is actually guilty before killing them.
  13. Another huge issue. They aren't always actually guilty when convicted guilty
  14. Ok where do I begin?

    First I'd like to say thanks moose. I always checking for your forum threads. Since we agree on a lot of things.

    Second, this is a very political topic.....where I strive.

    Now the being sentenced to do you get there? Answer is you committed such a foul evil hanious ( or however spelled) crime that resulted in someone's death and or multiple deaths. Your murderous crime was proven in the court of law to be premeditated and acted out to get the results of killing someone that you targeted. When and if found guilty it depends on the state that the crime was committed in whether or not it has a death penalty. Not all states in the United States uses the punishment of death in their penal code.

    Now let's explore a type of method as to put someone to death, lethal injection. Now I know moose being the conservative that he is quoted the left sides opinion just to get me fired up. It's not " crap drugs that may work". Lethal injection is the practice of injecting a person with a fatal dose of drugs (typically a barbiturate, paralytic, and potassium solution) for the express purpose of causing immediate death.

    Conventional lethal injection protocol
    Typically, three drugs are used in lethal injection. Sodium thiopental is used to induce unconsciousness, pancuronium bromide (Pavulon) to cause muscle paralysis and respiratory arrest, and potassium chloride to stop the heart. So you see that the person is rendered unconscious before the lethal drugs are given. This I say is the most humane way to do it. Generally you did something really really bad to get here.

    There are groups against any death penalty. They're typical talking points are the inhumane aspects of any method. Saying that it causes to much pain. My response is "For whom?" The dude that murdered? Really as far as I'm concerned why does it matter? Best way to deter murder is to make the death penalty look as painful as what the victim felt. So what if it hurts? You probably shouldn't have done what you did and maybe this will stop others from doing so.

    Am I for the death penalty? As of right now I am. Today's technology testing dna evidence found at crime scenes makes it easier to
    place people at the crime. I rather have eye for an eye thing instead of later down the road bumping into the murderer cause they got out on good behavior. No way. Then there are those sappy hearts that cry "how could we put our own to death?" Easy. How could that person just flat out murder and not suffer any consequence other than sit in prison? People murder people it happens, but that needs to be deterred. If that person is fearful for their life then I would think they would think twice before committing that particular crime.


  15. It's terrible that the victims loved ones would have to go through that, but it would be just as wrong for the goverment to put the perps family through the same thing.

    I like lethal injection. From what i understand, it's painful but leave the body recongnizable and intact. If it screws up every once in a while, then so be it.
  16. The guillotine is barbaric in my opinion. No family wants to stand before the criminal and watch as their family member's head is chopped off. Margin for error? They'll take the accused's life anyway.

    If this was a sarcastic comment, I couldn't tell.

    Edit: Although assumed painless, (no one has lived to tell :| ) it is still horrific to watch and quite messy. In humane as well.
  17. There really isn't a humane way to kill someone, however it still needs to be done if the suspect murdered
  18. Some good posts. Good subject to pose Moose. People's minds generally are made up by their raising: adult influences (parenting), geographical location and media exposure consumption. I truly hope nobody has a loved one ever harmed where this subject directly affects and changes your life. I'm talking families of the victim and the perpetrator. It ruins lives. Everyone is freely entitled with their opinions and as I disagree with some I respect your individual thoughts on this matter. But don't be hypocrites when playing tap tap games and being able to freely express yourselves when lots of blood and human sacrifice have afforded you all this luxury to do so.
  19. True, but yes, I agree. At times, it is needed.

    Edit: Needed isn't the right word. It is never needed to kill someone, but under the law, their crime, in the eyes of a jury, it is.
  20. i believe if you gonna execute a person that it should be done in close a manner as the way their victim was killed...give them the same horror and humiliation their victims suffered..