America and lethal injection. Disciss

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. I too don't support the death penalty but a lot of prisoners like it. Agreeing with Moose, putting them in jail for life is probably the best idea.
  2. Put them in jail.

    For those concerned jail is not severe enough: I would rather die any day than go to jail for the rest of my life.

    For those concerned we would save money by killing them: We also would save money by fixing a lot of other issues with jails, such as not jailing people for petty crimes.

    Of course we would not have this issue if people would just be good people, and do no harm unto others. Unfortunately our world does not work that way.

    Regardless, murdering a murderer is still murder.
  3. Going through the comments, I'm slightly concerned about the mental stability of a few... I hope most comments were just done to act cool.

    I'm not in favor of death penalty anyway, it doesn't solve anything and in case of an error, you're in a severe mess.

    Here some interesting statistics (09/2014):

    Average cost of an execution of a condemned, from charge to execution in Texas: 1.200.000$

    Average cost of prosecution and 40 year long imprisonment of someone in Texas: 696.500$
  4. OP mentions Hippopotamus oath?? Hahaha
  5. Cuz hippos are cool you know.

    But for reall. Life sentence in hard labour camps. That would do nicely too for a change if you dont support death penalty.
    Give them collars with c4 like in the movie and off they go mining for nothing. Saves the planet too. Less carbons - no machines just the good old fashion sledge hammer :-D
  6. I agree with Karmas first post. Think what you want about America, but one thing we have here is more freedom than most other countries. But with all this freedom, we have got lazy. Criminals are not afraid to commit crimes as prison is a better situation for them than living on the outside of bars. I know not all, but a lot. With modern science and forensics many crimes, especially brutal ones can be solved without a doubt. Children are growing up with less discipline and therefore have no respect toward authority and take no responsibility in their actions due to all the rights that protect them here in America. I for one believe in an eye for eye. Except you cost me my eye, I'm going to take your head off. It makes the violent types wary of who they prey on. At night I'd have live public executions of sadistic and monstrous murderers on every major television network. The public needs to start seeing their actions have consequences. If a person is proven beyond any doubt they committed a heinous crime, they should be broadcasted having the same done to them so people would see and think about their actions. Bloodier and sicker the better. Why worry about humanely killing a non-productive citizen who will never be able to live among fellow human beings. Name one serial killer that has been proven rehabilitated by prison. They sit on death row, get 3 meals a day and a bed and toilet for their convenience. Meanwhile his victims lives will be forever changed. Meanwhile tax dollars go to keeping this person alive until they either die or get the needle or electric chair.

    Convicted rapists, child rapists, also should be exterminated from this planet. If proven beyond a doubt they are jail time. It's straight to the castration table and guillotine. Broadcast that live so anyone ever thinking about date **** or less non violent actions would never act out. No sleep serum and soothing death injection for them.

    Petty thiefs? If caught and proved beyond a doubt guilty....Straight to the chopping block. Pick which arm you want to keep. Whack, permanent reminder of your actions. I bet petty theft would drop and you'd know a thief when you saw one. They'd no need for prison and absorbing tax dollars because the sacrificial appendage would be punishment enough to last a lifetime.

    Violent gangsters. Hell round em up in a confined space. A hundred at a time, give them 99 guns with 1 bullet in each. Last man standing, well he can go home and preach to his homeboys about changing their ways. Instead of spending tax dollars on those 100 for 4-10 years, you'd only need to spend money on cleanup afterwards.

    Prisons should be reduced to petty crimes and used to truly reform those who can be. A lazy dad not paying child support, a mom addicted to drugs, grandpa cheated on his taxes. Give them educational and rehabilitation services to become better citizens.

    And for those who can't be proven beyond a doubt they are guilty of murder, ****, heinous acts, put them in prison so no one has to ever feel they killed a innocent human being. Over time, prisons would shrink and tax dollars could be better spent, like on education.

    In essence if you are a horrendous human being and proven beyond a doubt guilty. There is no humane way to die. It should be brutal. You kill 32 people, you get 32 minutes of the most excruciating way to die a person could imagine. People should be concerned about their actions. A peaceful society where I don't have to worry my kids constantly being in my eye sight would be a wonderful thing.

    America should be known for its freedoms and wonderful opportunities it has, not known for its excellent prisons where you can be a violent savage and have rights and where you can destroy lives yet die humanely.

    There are other crimes that obviously weren't covered, but I think you get my point of view Moose.

    A humane death should be given to the terminally ill if they so choose, or your old dog who was a great companion.

  7. Yes, but for that act, they are being killed. Why do the same thing?
  8. Some people use death penalty as an excuse. To keep them alive would be more appropriate punishment for crime (some).
  9. Well Moose (piped in yet another nice Canuck)
    Rehabilitation according to Kings English is to return to society as a productive and a contributing member.

    This weeks special Lungs $259,000.00 each regularly $425,000.

    The day Ted Bundy was executed an 11 year old boy dragged his Mother and baby brother out of a fire in Orillia Ontario Canada loosing 70% of his skin. Teds skin would have done nicely.

    Recycle is my answer.

    I think keeping Paul Bernardo alive is cruel and unusual punishment. We I king both he and his escaped spouse would be in my cold drawers. Iris skin liver bone lungs ear drums nerves heart etc prolly would have got 7-8M by now.

    Re the US having more ppl in jail than Canada has ppl. Or more murders per capita by 2,000 %. No idea. Not sure why we are so different than most in the world. Could be the beer. .
  10. Talking of such topics is stupid.
    Why try to defend murderers rather than talk of something more important?
    Like my birthday.
  12. To the crowd who talks about "an eye for an eye" there is a general misunderstanding a hit this Old Testament scripture verse, and it needs to be addressed.

    An eye for an eye was actually instituted to PROTECT the offender. It was established to stop such retribution as "a head for an eye".

    It was meant more to protect the criminal than to bring justice to the victim.

    That being said, we don't live in Old Testament times, and I think that an eye for an eye does not apply in today's civilized society.
  13. Which meant if he stole dont kill him....cut off his fingers so he cant. U make it sound pleasent director lol
  14. Shoot them fudgers in the face
  15. Why should it be quick and painless, the person they killed didn't die painless they died scared and for no reason, make them suffer, so no one will murder anymore if they see they will die slowley and in pain they won't murder..
  16. Punishment or Deterrent is the convicted prospective. Few judges care. Their sentence is an estimate of how long society needs protection from the individual.
    Even life sentences have eligible parole dates, here. Doesn't mean their getting out. The parole board here is made up with typical Government employees with minimal daily effort a Union norm. A Hard institution to trust with their track record. One sexual assault convict as example was sentence 3 times to 3 years after getting out on parole twice with only 1 year served Almost guaranteed to eventually kill. His fellow inmates did us a favor and killed him.

    This is often the case with truly heinous crimes The Canadian courts can't execute so the other convicts equally disgusted and not wishing to be associated with them murder them.
  17. To the crowd that is civilized and wants to protect murderers. I guess you're right. If someone savagely and brutally kills your mom, dad, child. They openly admit committing the crime. You should hug them. You should adopt them and personally pay for their prison care. I mean let's be civilized. Hell, throw a ankle bracelet on them and let them sleep in your spare bedroom or share a bunk bed with your kids. You can recite biblical passages after dinner and feel confident in your civility. But I agree, the "civilized" champions of human kind should take on the debt of taking care of these criminals. Maybe Obama would kick in a tax deduction for your generosity.
  18. I wouldn't mind death by hanging again but there is a science to it, so that the death is just a instant neck break. Popping heads off and strangulation are very common mistakes.
  19. Posts like this make it hard for me to oppose the death penalty. You sound like a victim who needs the convicted to die for closure. As a victim, that should be your right, and I won't judge you for it. I do, however, draw the line being sadistic and horrible in how you would execute the guilty.

    Death penalty, sure, I'm being persuaded that I could support it. Just do it in a clean manner
  20. Moosey, good topic, currently ranked high in news is 2 death sentence targets currently locked up in Indonesia for some 8 or do years. Narcotics trafficking, they call them the Bali 9. I guess they didn't see the big signs at the terminal with they're eyes rolling in dollar signs. Well the Indonesians are about to send them to whatever hell they deserve with a firing squad. I support this. Economical , quick and let's move on. Think 7 of the 9 are serving life - but these 2 were the ringleaders. Sure you say, but narcotics?? Pffft that's not as bad, but when you see the destruction most illicit drugs cause, I'd put it right up there with murder.
    Anyways, that's my 2c worth, Indonesia , send em on their way.