I believe we should make a hunger games for death row inmates, whoever survives we kill them anyways! We all win
I say, depending on the severity of the crime, throw them into a maximum security prison till their dying day and don't kill them at all. You may say, they deserve what they get, kill them and be done with it. Yes they deserve what they get but what if, like the malfunction that was mentioned, the person is in fact not guilty of the crime, which has been proven on many occasions now. Do you kill an innocent person and then apologise and give them a pardon years later. Let them suffer with the guilt while they rot in prison and let God deal with them when they finally meet. Also, abortion is wrong, no matter what the argument might be. From the second live is formed in the womb, it is a living being, been murdered. If you don't want kids either cover it and don't get pregnant or have the child and give the child to a family who can't have kids.
Amongst others Do you want to be the one pulling the trigger all those times? Do you think it doesn't affect the executioner? To those saying lop heads off. Do you think Isis members are sane going around lopping heads off. Is this an acceptable form of punishment. Lop a head off sure lets accept Isis style punishment in civilised society. Death penalty yes I support for major 100% secure convictions. Lining them up and putting a bullet in their head. Lopping heads off. Not in my country. Go join a terror cell if that's as civilised as you can be. As for the anaesthetic part of lethal injections. They are supposed to inject an anaesthetic first and ten the fatal drugs. Of course there are errors with doses but for the most part it is a more acceptable form of execution than slowly driving an executioner mad or a people to disgust at their own regime with barbaric cruel punishments that make the establishment look every bit as barbaric as the criminals they profess to be better than.
Can't do the guillotine anymore.. People will call us terrorists for beheading criminals Best lethal injection is a firing squad
Murders and child molesters should be painfully killed. They put someone else through that pain so why not make them go through it?
I would just love for an American to start talking trash about Canada and see how all the Canadians react.
Put them in jail for life if you want to extract the most unpleasantness possible. That's really just a slow form of execution anyway. You're holding them in a cell as the life drains out of them one day at a time. All state execution does is speed up the timeline and offer faster closure for the victims families. As for repaying evil with evil, molestation with molestation or torture with torture, the math doesn't work. One terrible deed Plus one terrible deed equals two terrible deeds. Lat edit: this isn't a commentary against the death penalty. Its a statement against gruesome and torturous methods of stat execution
Since when did I start talking trash about America? I'm having a thoughtful discussion on lethal injection, and, with the exception of yourself, forum seems to understand this and has been posting really good stuff
To hell with injections. Bring back the good ol' fashioned noose. Even a firing squad would suffice. I know a lot of people are going to cry it is inhumane, but **** and murdering innocent people is pretty inhumane as well. Eye for an eye.
I think instead of giving out life sentences and wasting money on people that have failed society, just give them lethal injection. But only people who are given life sentences.
They also have a death by firing squad, where they attach a target on the heart and all 16 snipers fire at the same time. I guess it could backfire but not as much.
To all those baying for blood. When a member of your family is wrongly convicted for a crime and awaiting death row. When that vital evidence shows up 8 years later and proves they are innocent. Are you going to commit suicide to justify the innocent death sentence. After all it is a punishment you are choosing. Without 100% conclusive evidence the death sentence should not be used. When it is. It should demonstrate that the state is a higher authority than the criminal. An eye for an eye was justice 2000 years ago. Brutal times. Today we should strive to be better than that. Most of us are better than that. And that is why punishment needs to represent our goals as a society. Not to be a tool for terror to oppress the masses through fear and intimidation. Society needs to be worth living in. And the society is judged by how it treats both there vulnerable and the guilty. The innocent should be free to live without fear or persecution. The guilty should know they will not be tolerated. But that we are better than them.