America and lethal injection. Disciss

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Moose2, Feb 18, 2015.

  1. In the 1980's a bunch of laws were adopted that more or less carried prison sentences mainly for non violent offenses. The idea of rehabilitation failed. The adopted laws on non violent crimes are still in effect.

    Recent census estimated 49/50% of inmates that are incarcerated are non violent offenders. Child support, drug possessions.. Ect.

    Theres alot of money in keeping prison bunks full. A Pennsylvania judge awhile back was exposed for intentionally sending/and revoking probation for juveniles. The private detention center was paying the judge off. The private detention facility charges the state/fed? Per person they house. Teens with petty possession charges were spending as much as 2 years there.

    Hell of a system.

    I know that isnt the discussion of the topic but it does lead to a possibility that many people may be more satisfied with life in prison vs the death penalty.

    If prisons were actually filled with the terrible people that it was build to hold instead of so many non violent offenders, prisons would be a whole new nightmare.

    Just saying. I mean im not against the death penalty, but i also believe as a society we benefit more by not looking for justice in the death of others.
  2. Reckon the death penalty should be longer lasting, lethal dose of radiation, then locked in a cell to consider their hideous crime, or monty python's life of Brian public stoning
  3. Americans are so violent because Canada "gave" us Justin Bieber. At this point its not lethal injection, its mercy killing. They at least get away from "Beliebers".

    Please die Justin and help us stop the death penalty. Thank you.
  4. You sound jealous.
  5. See? You are using your religion beliefs in order to justify death penalty. Yet you don't even know "the history" of your religion. JESUS did not turned his cheek but he asked us, humans, to turn the other cheeks. Funny thing... I'm an agnostic yet apparently i know more about your religion and about your holly book.
  6. Tbh the person on death row's victim prob suffered so i really dont care if they suffer
  7. :shock: I'm offended. THG were great books and movies!!

    Edit: did anyone see my fail?
  8. I don't believe in letting murderers murder... I think that the punishment of death is worth keeping but I'm not sure about lethal injections. Not to mention the **** we use for lethal injections is getting harder to buy.
  9. Yes! I want to get away from beliebers  and bigotry, hatred, violence, crime, war, and the need for a death penalty. But mainly beliebers.
  10. Yeh
  11. This thread is about the death penalty in the USA and opinions about it. Not the gross ignorance about multiple religions that seems to abound. Which leads to those aforementioned atrocities in the "name of religion". It's ignorance. Stop adding to it.

    The death penalty has been widely used throughout the world and history. It's not solely a USA thing. The justice system up to the death penalty is quite lax. And prisons, regardless what you see on tv, aren't the cess pool of **** and death. They're unpleasant but the care, food, and treatment are all closely monitored by groups and agencies to ensure humane treatment.
    Personally I feel if the USA had stronger punishments for smaller offenses, then it wouldn't lead to so much crime. Or deaths. If you know theft would lead to a public caning, or loss of a hand, then you wouldn't do it. To imagine a greater crime would be terrifying in that type of system.
    That being said we are all accountable. We choose what we allow in our governments and in mankind. Do something about it. That's the greatest gift we have and can give. Leave a legacy.
  12. I agree with you. Despite its flaws, America and its allies are, at least in my opinion, the "good guys" on the globe.
    this is wading Into politics, which is always interesting. It seems, from my forign perspective that democrats take pride in how many people they "help" by placing them in welfare/government assistance, while republicans take pride in helping people by seeing how many folks they can get off welfare/government assistance.

    Maybe tax breaks for kids should only be rewarded to married couples? You're not punishing single moms or single dads, but are instead rewarding stability and a nuclear family structure, as cheese stated earlier. There is a big difference between rewards and punishments.
    This seems like a commentary on the failed public school system America sports. I prefer private schools my self, as is think government shouldn't be in the business if education of the youth. Government does very few things well, and as you've stated, education can be added to the list of government fails.
    The world will hold America responsible, but in different ways. America's star is fading. Other countries have already far outpaced America in the realm of education, and they will soon outpace America in production and Jon's as well.

    Just my moosey 2 cents worth. Regardless, I find your post to be really really good
  13. Yall dog on America and our beliefs , but we can keep yalls citizens out of our lands.
    If we're so bad and heartless , take your ppl home and leave us the hell alone.
    Remember this....

    In Texas alone 47% of all violent crimes are from illegals ..
    U can only be slapped so many times before u slap back ..

    U touch me for my family i touch back .
    No need for death penalties.
    I will be the judge the jury and the executioner .
  14. Actually, Republicans love welfare. As long as it's for the wealthy and big corporations.

    Republicans think that if they take advantage of a tax break or government assistance to increase profits, it's just smart business sense. But if you take advantage of food stamps or government assistance so you don't go hungry, you're a just moocher. If they get a break, they earned it and deserve it. If you get a break, it's a handout. It's basically a cognitive dissonance they use to justify greed and their lack of adherence to their so called family and Christian values.
  15. As a state correctional officer, I have to say... While the conditions are not elegant, they are far superior to what should be given to some, substandard for others.

    What I think is a shame, is that regardless of the crime, they all get treated the same.
  16. That's one of the dumbest things you've ever posted. Hey, let's only educate those people who can afford it. Who cares if a significant portion of the population is uneducated?

    And by all means, explain how government has "failed" education? Because some public schools perform poorly? The vast majority of them provide good educations. If you're going to toss the claim out there, at least provide some data to back it up. According to a Stanford study, the majority of charter schools don't perform any better than public schools.

    Study: Majority of U.S. charter schools perform equal or worse than traditional schools ... tml?pg=all

    Of course, charter schools aren't really "private" schools either. They're funded by the taxpayer too. There's just a lot less accountability for where the money goes, which is why conservative love them so much. True private schools are expensive as hell and few people can afford them. That's fine if you're wealthy. Kinda sucks if you're not. But hey, who cares? You got yours, right?
  17. only 1 of the people in the firing line has a live round... rest are blanks. They know this.

    They never know who killed the prisoner.
  18. not to derail, just correct you. Our gun crime is higher. Our "violent" crime as a whole is 5x lower than the uk. Where there's criminals it don't matter if you take the gun.. they will use bats, hammers, knifes etc

    The problem with the statics is that they're comparing different crimes.

    "Social media post says U.K. has far higher violent crime rate than U.S. does

    ... Our preliminary attempt to make an apples-to-apples comparison shows a much smaller difference in violent crime rates between the two countries, but criminologists say differences in how the statistics are collected make it impossible to produce a truly valid comparison. We rate the claim False." ... violent-c/
  20. @Floopy donkey

    I was responding to this post earlier when I brought up the damage could be done to the firing squad's mental state.