It was 3 x gold. Do the maths. I think devs made a mistake and fixed it. The gold was amazing but maybe we should not complain as its still double the plunder currently that haunts payout. Now it's back to 2 x gold that the devs originally notified us of its still more gold than we ever earned before any promotions. Happy KAWING!
Before this thread lock i want to say im pretty unhappy about the "correction myself" They got our hopes up for eb release. They postpone. They nerf ambush and extend it to Friday. Change the x2 gold eb at least! Dayum! I dont wanna stare at this dumb rock any longer! Everytime i do i am reminded of how dissappointed i cant help but feel. Lets be honest with each other. Ambush is so mind numbingly boring. Tbo isnt much of an alternative either. If they plan to lock out all the ebs but these 2 for the release, just go ahead and shut the servers down entirely.
TO ALL WHO ARE UNHAPPY The devs made an error in your favor,mall if who participated yesterday got fat stacks of cash. I hope you Xtaled. I sure did! Now, the devs have corrected the error, but they have nit taken away the extra cash you have earned. They have simply done what they intended to do from hour one. You only benefitted from this. There was no downside. So, instead of grumbling about the reduction in pay, be happy you got what you did! Consider it an early Xmas gift.