... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. we all are in a REAL war (rl IS the evidence) ... and only the ones "on the mountains" aren't concerned or getting touched ever ...

    I'm done with any hope ...
  2. ... in the year 2525 ... if women can survive ... 

    guess they miscalculated the concerning year ...
  3. Geneva Convention doesn't apply in a game as you can simply log off.

    You choose to play, there for you play by whatever community rules this game has formed and any pain that comes along with that, as is your choice living in a 1st world country with civil liberties.
    You choose to play, you choose to participate in this community, you choose to put up with the farming, wars and trolls to play a game you enjoy.
  4. can't "log off" from the ppl around me ... so it doesn't make any difference wether I stay or go ... all same ...
  5. That's right. So really, this is no worse than RL and listening to someone ramble on at the DMV or similar things
    So why not tune out of RL and play kaw...hey, at least here you have that nifty Block button
    now wouldn't that be useful in RL!
  6. no need for "block buttons" in rl ... as indifference doesn't need to be blocked ... and abuse itself can't be blocked ...
  7. I like the block button in here ... at least it provides a virtual freedom ...
  8. although the "freedom" remains a lie in game even ...
  9. It's because it's true you noob :roll: honestly you need to quit this game you're a disgrace and frankly you're whats been lowering the tolerance and acceptance of no excuse farming in forums.
  10. Expanding on LHL member said, you can block abuse

    FARMING IS NOT ABUSE!!!! whats losing some pixelated gold going to do???? Huh? That's right **** all. Reset and quit.
  11. Seriously Ancienne....since you joined post after post after post all whining about farming... hit back or shut up or reset and leave! its NOT THAT HARD! sheeez..oh and I am sure you will pick my stats, so FYI I reset & leave this game when I start hating it & once I am over whatever bugged me I come back..it happens often.

    Get off your high horse, you self righteous sanctimonious ..................let us enjoy the game & the forums as its meant to be!

    A War Game!
  12. ... ... ... ... ...
    All I see.
  13. Nirm gets it <3
  14. I agree with yuessi or whatever his name is on me page 3. Suck it up you get bullied on a game and cry while have of us get bullied IRL and don't complain about it and actually accept people who try to help us. Please, if it means that much to you, you should probably just leave kaw.
  15. ... I love ... this simple... Minded, no clue... how to use ... ellipsis', completely sanctimonious ... Pathetic excuse... of a...human. She...creates...some of...the best...tear filled,...illogical threads...in the...forum. They...are never...thought out...or even...comprehensible...but I...love...to...read every...post by her...in the voice...of Stevie...from...the show...Malcom In the Middle. It...is...hours of...enjoyment.

    For more...fun...read...my wall. The...OP...will forever...have a place...upon it...for the...best meltdown...of...noob...tears/anger...over...one...single...random...underpriced...pro...pack...ally...and...one...single...rehire...of the...still underpriced...ally. Needless to...say...the situation...quickly devolved...into...the...best ally...trading day...of my...life. OP...has tons...of pro pack...allies...that apparently...she signed...a...contract with...for...exclusive...ownership rights...and...if you...happen to...be bigger...you are...a bully...and if smaller...you are...a bully.

    But I...digress...OP...you have...outdone...yourself...in creating...your...most vague...illogical...least thought out...thread to...date. And from...your vast...forum body of...works...that is...quite an accomplishment. ... ...BRAVO...
  16. I was gonna give a  but then I looked at my  basket and it was empty. Oh well. Just read your owners wall. Ever heard of a troll? Cuz he's a darn good one understand that the world isn't out to get you with everything they do. They have better things to do. Seriously
  17. Gabe  She is a piece of work. Perhaps she'll be my new "OSW" when the one I'm in is over.
  18. Cow: its Yuusei :eek:
  19. Anci - you have been trolling forums with the same garbage for over a year.

    You are just that, a troll. If you were actually upset about kaw bullies, you would stop causing so much trouble and pissing so many people off.