... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. The gc was made in the world war era correct? This game is based on the Renaissance era style of warfare though is it not? Demons and monsters and dragons. It's actually not really too heavily based on anything. So normal rules of war don't really apply. Plus it's an iPhone game, so there's that.
  2. You cant argue with this guy Farr
  3. I'm not whining about getting hit ... didn't back off at least ... I'm "whining" about getting hindered artficially of hitting back (means totally out of my own influence or contribution ... hmm?) ...

    if you don't like arguments why don't you stop your whining and look for a "tap tap thread" instead? ... ;)
  4. that's an argument ... but doesn't justify the current (ruleless) "rules" in game though ...
  6. you assume that everyone who got bullied in rl "must become a bully" in this game? ... I don't agree, sorry ...
  7. I'd appreciate when you left out attributes when naming me ... as we don't know each other ... why did you reply btw ... nevertheless your post is off topic ...
  8. Ancienne, I'm sorry, but your argumentation sucks. This game IS or at least should be a WAR game. It is in the name-> kingdoms at WAR! I don't and I don't want to understand how people can be so
    1. Attention seeking
    2. Annoying
    3. Stupid......

    Seriously? Just because you are the one who always gets kicked by guys you can't handle simply because you cannot shut up....

    Maybe you can't or don't want to learn it, but sometimes it is better to be quiet. You remind me of somebody... And this is not good.
  9. as you don't discuss any little thing of my argumentation and got no own argumentation either a "Tl;dr" would have been sufficient I'd say ...

  10. for your convenience? ... no chance ... if it is a war game ... warring by arguments and evidence is part of it ...
  11. You are complaining of being artificially hindered from hitting back? Have I read, and understood that correctly?

    I took it either you're being pinned so badly that you can't play,or can't successfully hit someone bigger? Either way if I've understood correctly that's laughable.
    Maybe if you never rage dropped your builds because someone other than your main account owned your alts you could have higher stats.

    I'd wager that over 95% of your threads/posts are about being 'bullied' in one form or another. If I was a forum mod id ban you for being a prolific flamer. Seriously, if you're as hurt as you seem then why do you put yourself through it further?
  12. You talking is a troll itself ancienne
  13. I go to Geneva Conventions every year, pleasant city and well located for getting to from most European places by road, rail or air.

    Slightly off topic but I do prefer Montreux further down the lake and will be speaking at a conference/convention there in the spring. If you're considering a trip then I would recommend the Montreux Palace as an excellent hotel and location. Apologies for going slightly off topic with the Montreux thing.

    Snr 
  14. no ... you're wrong ... as I kept my troops full in such situations ... used all I've got like best suiting equips according to aggressor ... all miths spells and all pots on every single hit ... now ... there had been players who had been untouchable to me ... and THEY insisted on having a "fight" ... whenever they exxagerated I announced them in public for that reason only ... as if they get along it doesn't mean they don't carry on though ...

    ever fought back 20x your own size? ... an attacker (those are the strongest, but visible in contrary to huge spies) with 20x your size should get "dtw" even if my troops were full ... am I wrong? ... I at least got rid of him by making him public ONLY ... as he wouldn't have stopped else ... when you all keep on working encouraging such "fights" KAW will die sooner or later FOR THAT REASON! ...
  15. Go play party in my dorm.

    Similar concept but abit softer. You'll fit in perfectly there, Ancienne.
  16. Snr? ... nice ... didn't know that this was your alt ... but you still prefer ignoring topics as it seems ...
    at least concerning details ... or even arguments ...
  17. ... you provenly missed the point ... it's about exploiting given game mechanics only ... nothing more and nothing less ... game mechanics are not same to new players ... and the older ask for more and more ...

    ... would you like a "wafer thin mint"? ...
  18. I sure would, can you put it in my mouth for me?