... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Why is it that every time I see a thread with you in it you are whining about the injustice of being hit in a game that was designed specifically for that purpose? If you don't like it and are feeling bullied quit the game! Go play a game that has no risk to it cause this one obviously isn't for you! Yes we have eb's to expedite growth but that is still not what the game was intended to be. Please either stop whining about it or go play another game.
  2. No bunny I'm just young...
  3. Explains why the quality of your posts are so goddamn low.
  4. Whoops, I forgot you're a little kid, sorry!

    gosh darn
  5. But my threads are High!High!High!
  6. America doesn't exactly follow the Geneva convention by the way. Guantanamo, rendition etc etc.
  7. Just lol.......

    One thing u can think a little about....

    Online bullies are people that are bullied in real life....

    How about that????

    Gives u something to think for a while....

    If u r a rl bully and an one bully.... You aren't a real bully... You are just stupid!!!!

    P. S. - do you realize that reading this sort of threads is intelectual bullying?

    Happy kawing
  8. Not one lol I meant online there
  9. Once again op makes something fun to read
  10. as it is a game devs probably want to make money ... so ... that's not it ... it's about the blackmailing of the "old style" players who "would leave" if they got no more privileges (would they? ... no, the wouldn't as someone fighting that massively for their property would not give it up after their huge successes, I'd say) ... as long as such players respected new players same way they expect it from devs I'd say nothing against their claims ... but they aren't just asking for keeping the property they gained in game by thousands of dollars, but for restrictions to all new paying customers ... if they cared for a very good defense only it's ok to me ... but abusing an offensive strength to prevent the defense of all others is not the way a game should work ... you may disagree ... I'm used to it ...

    allies are even the most impt factor for strength in game, but we all know that any players who haven't started playing KAW "in time" got massive problems to even keep inactives only ... not to say any actives or alts ... am I wrong? ...
    now we all do know what epics do pay, right? ... latest when allies reach a certain value it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to get BACK your own allies ... shall they all end up to lb players ... is THAT really "free market"? ... all I'm asking for is some ruling against obvious abuse ... that's all ...

    now ... I consider ebs as variety ... same as EEs or any other way to war in here ... and I appreciate all offers by devs disregarding the fact that I myself don't need that many ... I don't get bored easily ...
    and it's not about me "telling ppl to play the way I want them to" but in contrary it's about unjustifiedly getting told to play the way abusive players want ME to ... for more than two years now ... by that cheap excuse "it's a war game" ... and you're absolutely right about that it's NOT ... it's a pure "abusers rule" game only ... by now ... dtw didn't get invented in here for no reason, right? ... but some of those who want to get rid of that rule now bc they grew big enough only seem to have forgotten it totally ...

    do you mean that the mechanics of the game shall not allow anyone to get same chances on growth like the now grown ones anymore? ... kinda "we're full, sorry" or "pay n leave"? ...
    ... and I neither agree with you that "this part of game" can't be changed by devs nor with that they'd lose "every last paying customer" ... they'd just lose the abusive ones only ... those who back off real warring but want some easiest "targets" instead ... as you can see it atm ... not many players doing real osws but picking some smallest "opponents" and "sitting" on them ... "targets" which are easier to hit than any epic ... I don't mind if that happens in called out osws clan/s vs clan/s or in called out 1vs 1 or in EE wars ... but I do mind abusives who "call out" smallest targets out of their growing phases and for no reason and get considered "heroes" for that ...

    and devs already lost a lot of paying customers btw ... who just couldn't help calculating the futility of any of their efforts only ... THAT'S for sure ... no matter if it was about ebs, EEs or osws ...

    and ... no ... I don't want "KAW to fail" ... I just don't want to "fail" myself by artificial and manipulated conditions made up by some bullies in game ... as exactly THAT lasted two years by now ... you may call it an "osw", I call it abuse and cheating ...
    and I probably want to keep my alts like many of the lb players do, too ... I worked hard for it to be able to do so ... I overpriced and even stopped upgrades ... but as long as abusers can do "whatever they want to" (note "WHATEVER"!) there will never be any chance for the majority to reach that stage ever ... at least it should be a stage of "the required respect" to keep alts ... but there is none but just the amount of gold you make in game only ... gl in catching up I'd say ... (that's why I chose Geneva Conventions as reference only) ...
    so what do you think? ... where should this kind of respect start? ... if it was a certain price ... sorry to say that the rulers do rise the prices way faster than anyone can catch up ... if it was on lb ranks only ... I myself (my main) for example reached lb ranks 1 1/2 years ago already ... had an allies lb rank (a quite good one) ... still have a battles lb rank ... and even had on overall rank once ... b4 those bullies abusively started exxagerating their "osw"s ... look at the owner of my main now ... read his wall ... so when exactly do I get the right to keep my alts, may I ask? ... as I'll probably never catch up silph & Co.'s stage of banked gold for sure ... does this mean "never"??? ... hmm??? ...
    I always tried to give hints about some discrepancies concerning "allyships" and "ally trading" ... atm the "free ally market" provenly works out for a few players only ... but it should work out for ALL in game ... not for a few players only ... biggest shouldn't bother small players for no reason but concentrate on their own price ranges ... but that's even worth another thread again ... and note ... I'm proposing ... not forcing anyone ... I'm not even interested in making my gold the lazy way by trading allies ... I buy for stats only ... and as I buy for keeping only I use to search responsively ... I hire with consent or from "no owner" (imagine the hours of searching, please!) ... so I'm not pleased getting forced abusively for the rest of my KAW life, either ... logical, right? ... I guess ... yes ...

    if so ... why are especially bullies asking for even more superiority ... easy targets are less than an eb ... sorry, to say that ... but it's just plain truth ...

    it's not me "telling everyone what to do" ... but I don't want to "get told" (isn't playing abusively even more than just "telling"?) how I shall play the game, either ... that easy ...

    I also disagree concerning that passage of your post ... there is no difference in pressing a button and pressing a button ... those who get bored easily get bored easily of anything ... those who don't just don't ... as it's in your mind what you make out of it ... and I already said that I appreciate the variety devs do offer ... as ... in contrary to you I don't assume that everyone likes to play the game same way like me ... the ONLY difference between your "let them play as they like" and mine is ... I do let you play as you like but you expect to have the right to involve anyone in your way of playing as you like ... THAT'S the sticking point ...
  11. you call arguments "intelectual bullying"? ... but consider abusing your "invulnerable" stats against weaker in game perhaps "heroism"? ...
    do I need to assume that you got "intelectually butthurt"? ... :shock:
  12. **** you OP.
  13. Beow your simple just an annoying moron.
  14. I don't think beow even bothered to read that lmfao.

    Too intellectually challenging.
  15. And you are someone I dont know and its highly sure Ill never know you so that shows how much your Words mean to me. Xo
  16. Totes Jabber
  17. not complaining, dear ... working on my rights to play as I like not touching anyone else's RIGHTS ... what about not touching mine either? ...

    and tearing down buildings got advantages and disadvantages like any other way to play ... I did quit playing again atm for a good reason ... first I need some recreation time (advantage: my property in game can't get touched easily when builds are teared down) ... second I'm waiting for some changes in KAW which won't force anyone to a "one-way-losing-guaranteed-kawing" only (disadvantage: losing even more time and chances for "catching up", but I anyway am "moaning" about the impossibility to "catch up" and it probably isn't my personal first goal either) ... btw ... same as you I don't like getting forced to a certain way of playing a game only which provides many possibilities ... may I? ... consider me a defensive warrior ...
  18. Oh sweet Jesus, Ancienne the fool is at it again. PLEASE EVERYONE JUST DO NOT REPLY OR MAKE ANY POSTS TO HER ON THIS THREAD. She's just looking for attention like always and the only way to stop her is to let her thread die.
  19. Geneva conventions? :lol: