... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Norma: i am playing since 2009, with some resets and half of a year inactivity. I participated in more osws than you ever will. So please stop talking about me being a noob if you have no clue.

    And if you insult me ever again, i will show you how to pvp.
  2. sorry ... but I'm no big friend of swearing in public ... if that's your main fun in game search another thread to do so or post an own one ... not in here at least ...

    and btw ... it applies to you, too, that I'm neither your teacher nor your mom ... so ... do some homework, care for topic, or get out of here ...
  3. Its not a matter of forgetting my words. Its a matter of nothing I said can be used to form a judgement on whether or not criminals where i live are punished :lol:
  4. now ... you're passing your limits, dear ... I don't care if you started 2009 or 1848 ... first you stop derailing my thread to work for an outcome you wish ... second you don't threaten any poster in here! ... understand?! ... now get out of here you "helpful" Hypocrit! ...
  5. @ gr_yuusei_ow. Stupid noob. Buy some pots and stop hiding in pin. Noob. Now you a farm.
  6. @First page

  7. Gr_yussei_ow says he's been in more off system wars than I will have ever been.

    Name some of them noob?

    I can name plenty.
  8. Fun fact:
    Buying def pots would be stupid because you'd just burn them
  9. Funfact 2: you hit 3 times, i feel so farmed. You're dtw i think?
  10. One pop wouldn't kill you lol
  11. @OP I had to use offensive language as its the only way and get closer to expressing what I was trying to point out.

    And what the hell are you on.

    You get off the thread you mess. Idc if its yours. Its like god took a dump in your head instead of giving you a brain.
  12. now ... the first requirement to contribute to my thread is knowing about Geneva Conventions ... then we all can discuss if something compareable would make sense in this game or not ...

    I'd just rather expect more convincing arguments by everyone than just "it's fun to me to bully others" (note it's not about hitting but bullying or cheating, ok?) ... as the game should be fun for ALL ... that's the difference between games and rl btw ...
  13. I could get *
  14. @ gr_yussei_ow name all the osw you claim to have been in?

    I hit you 3 times and you went dtw.

    We have plenty of time. Stupid weasel.
  15. This a after all a game GAME A WAR GAME NOT LIFE we can't compare life to a GAME the gc can't even be applied here if it was we all would be in trouble lol we send thousands of people to their deaths on a hourly basis
  16. Do you think i remember osws i joined 3-4 years ago? Keep failing your steals.
  17. 3 times and i went dtw.. i had full spys up and nearly full troops..and 20b out... Dtw, sure^^
  18. Yuusei is giving a crap counter atm...
  19. Now now. All that long winded explanation tells nothing about you seem to think something I said indicates criminals in my area go unpunished. Do explain your judgement please :lol:
  20. I remember plenty.

    Solace vs resilience
    Black hand vs resilience
    Loa vs loev
    Me vs kotfe at least 4 times
    Holy vanguard vs zaft.

    That's just off the top of my head.

    Name just one you stupid lying noob.