... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Really Alison? Last time I saw you on am Ancienne thread it vice versa, you called her a leech seeking attention telling her how she should just deal with people farming her, you were on that hate bandwagon but now you jump of it and onto a high horse like you've never insulted or hit her kingdom before?

    Its funny seeing you chew into noobs but when you chew into others for things you've done too just makes you look like an idiotic hypocrite, kinda like that parent who tells their child not to smoke then goes outside to finish their third pack of the day.
  2. I left Aug 25 2013: D , When I am ready I will come back Allison.
    You can't bully me to come back :lol:
    I prefer being a noob and weak it’s refreshing, tyvm.
    You are threatening to farm me, isn’t that very contradictory. Wasn’t the whole point of this being happy and friends and peace loving in KAW?
    As for forums, I don’t know about you but when I am bored I love reading them it’s a hell a lot more entertaining than watching infomercials.
    I am not quite sure why you are getting so excited. I was giving you a compliment, albeit in a backhanded way.
    Or is it that you are not used to compliments, in that case apologies.
  3. @ bobbafett. My post regarding ancienne stands. If it bothers you. Tell it to my news, and may the force be with you.
  4. @ stellar. I don't care for peaceful kaw. I care for playing and paying the price to be a kaw purist as much as possible.

    I'm no bully. My fights are always with much bigger kingdoms. Smaller kingdoms are not my style, which is why I support ancienne in this.
  5. @
    Bobbafett . Last time. Ancienne was in my thread. Not me in hers. She derailed my thread, as she has quite a skill to do.

    I totally understand ancienne's frustration with being hit by so called kaw "warriors" who you have no chance of defending yourself against.

    They are not warriors. It's tantamount to an adult beating on a child and calling themselves a good fighter.
  6. Am I the only one who imagines Ancienne as William Shatner? All dem pauses
  7. guess not Cynder ... 99% of the 1% will probably agree with you ... they all are fascinated by my dots ... that's why they don't get even 1% of the content mostly ...
  8. We are the 99% of the 1%!!!

    #Occupy KaW
  9. @alison
    Ancienne has a problem with me because I merely bought an allie of hers. Which then followed a few dozen pm's off of her calling me various names and various other gripes. I've never hit her lol.
  10. .....Dots 

    On a more serious note, when have the ally markets ever really been free? The leaderboard has always owned tons of allies and tried to keep them. Remember TZ (great guy btw)? And people have bought their way to the top also since the beginning. Back in the day, how often did we accuse people of nobbing to the top? And it was true in a lot of cases.. And the best clans have been farmers. I'll just say iG for that one.

    Did I miss any main points? Probably... I'm lazy and tired.
  11. you self-proclaimed "God" ... you didn't hire "an ally of hers", but the already overpriced main which I used to own myself and which you already had volleyed three times b4 within a few days!! ... don't twist facts at least!! ...
  12. ..may I ask though, why the dots?
  13. Anc has a dot fetish.
  14. AND you bought another four with your alt ---Gabriel--- ... an alt you had farmed me quite a lot with btw ... so ... don't pretend ... and "your owner" which is also an alt of you did farm me, too, and hired my allies, too ...
  15. Mm.. Farming. Organic hopefully? Fair Trade approved if possible?
  16. you may convince whomever you want, but I'm pretty sure that those two accs must be yours, too ... too much of the same "style", sorry ...
  17. Lol wow man I got a lot of alts that are bigger than me lol. I hired your allie first yes, then you abused me in pm so then, yes I hired all your alts. Just for the lol's.
  18. And when you say 'same style', you mean hiring active allies? If that's what you mean then I must be all the LB players as well. See how stupid your sounding?
  19. Dot.... Dot...dot