... always same cheap excuse ... "this is a war game" ...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Ancienne, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. @…-Ga…be…-

    Lol…that'…s hilarious…
  2. I...wish...I could...claim credit...for the..amazing...Stevie...reference...but...that honor...goes to...the lovely...and intelligent...Brigantia. Brig...pointed this...out a....long...time ago...and...I've been...a huge...Stevie...fan...ever...since.

    @ OP...Please...don't listen to...all...those...that would...tell you...to quit. Please...continue...to play the...game...with no actual...buildings...except your...castle...in...protest towards...your...owner. You...sure...are showing...him. Please...keep posting...forum...threads...that...have...no point...no facts...no actual arguments. Please...keep...feeding the...trolls...that post...your threads...with even...more...unintelligent...comebacks.

    And...more...than anything...please...please...please...don't ever...open a...book, attend...a class...or just...search...the...web...to find...out...what an...ellipsis is...and...how...it's used.

    Thank...you...for...billions...in...free...volleys and...thank...you most of...all for...being...a...crazy...self righteous...lunatic. Cheers
  3. All I can say is..... Op your a moron
  4. And if you needed any more proof. Read my wall lol
  5. Lol op, I felt that way till I met chubby, we got a deal going on, he keeps me assassinated so I can track his activity, then when he pins both bars to go offine I xtal an get more fake gold per hit then he can get off me XD he's build complete I'm not, instead of him thinking smart (you know like what's he gonna do when I completely built)Lmao he wanna exploit the fact he's bigger yet is always pinned on eb

    Chubby am I pinned on Eb?

    or am I letting myself regen, for ur many assassinates?
  6. Ancienne always makes me laugh, you go girl!
  7. Is that laughing with her or at her? :)
  8. Well either she is more stupid than anyone could ever imagine, or she is just a big troll, posting trash for other peoples amusement. ^.^
  9. Definitely the first comment. She's no troll lol
  10. I know. My main has been in a clan with her, it's like a soap series in CC. Glad i left there, my goodness lmao.
  11. ---Gabriel---

    ... the "tons" of allies you started over either stealing from me or hire for making gold on me only ... are hired from "no owner" or with consent only ...

    got one ally only which I hired without consent after having dropped my build on main and one of my two alts only ...

    it's jabby (jabberwocky) only ...

    but I never abused anyone in game ... I did hit back and/or did hold still ... there was never a difference in YOUR abuse ... and in your public lies ... you just hired two of my allies again ...

    WildJesus and Charlyyybroooowwwnnnn ...
    at 35b and 31b when I owned them (both hired from no owner and both inactive and both in my ally list for a long time - WildJesus even for more than many many months as I rehired him every time considering the "no owner" I bought him from) ...

    you better get rid of both to hide your pretended "correct" behaviour ... they had not been for sale same like my main was not ...

    but try to twist the facts ... I had WORKED for my share ... YOU always stole! ... at least from me ...
  12. Lol...Look...Stevie...I...don't need...to hide...the...allies...because...I purchased...them...from...the...free ally...market.

    You...should...be reported...for...making...FALSE...accusations...lol. You say...I...stole from...you? I..say..prove..it.

    Every ally...I have...purchased...from...you...were...paid...forwith...gold. True or...False? And...that...gold...went...from...my account...into yours. True...or false? And you...not only...received your...initial...investment...price...back...but you...also...received a...slight increase...of gold...in return. True ...or...false? So in...the...end...the only...theft...that occurred...was...your...abuse of...the punctuation...called an...ellipsis...and every...person's sanity...that...has...to deal...with...you.
  13. Cannot be bothered with putting it in quotes. But go to the search for player option

    And it states.

    Tell your friends your username. They can use it to find you and hire you as an ally. They'll also be able to buy yours, earning you gold.

    Get over it and accept it.
  14. @"my owner"

    "is that laughing with her or at her?" ...

    ... is there still any doubt, abuser?! ... am I laughing? ...

    you got loads of real money by ppl like me and you obviously use to laugh at every single one of them ...

    the fact that you don't consider the existence of God "bc you just know it better" doesn't mean that there is none ... at least there is death ... and we may meet afterwards ... unless you can fool death, too ...
  15. it's one thing to "randomly" hire an "ally" from "free ally market" another to stalk someone ...
  16. I dont even get half of the bullcrap you're saying. Just shut up and go home you whiny kid. Don't play games if you're taking it as personal as ******* real life. My god, you piss me off.
  17. Lol at op. I truly do tip my hat to you. I always thought all allies were 'free to hire'. Friends , alts and random accounts all alike. I don't even own my alts lol. There must of been a ToU change that I'm unaware of. But thanks for teaching me a lesson by dropping your build and 'winning' (although your account is now useless lol)
  18. yes ... useless for me ... and useless for you ... and just one more inactive player ... congrats! ...
  19. This...is...an...example...of a...typical...Stevie...thread:


    ...the Sistine Chapel...exploit...or bully...of me...blue

    Opening post:

    The...title...says...it all. Bullies...are...honesty...real life...money...green eggs...and...ham. This...is...fair...?... I tired...of...players...red fish...blue...fish. Obviously...LIARS!!!!!!!!!

    And thus concludes another 5 star...ellipsis...studded...rambling...collection...of...insane...prattle...from a...seriously...deranged...mental patient.

    Please keep the answers coming and the noob tears flowing. happy KaWing.
  20. [​IMG]

    OP, if you don't want your allies hired, which is a profit for you, then do us all a favor and leave KaW. It's a much happier place with you gone.