Alternate Event Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by OMET0TCHLIIl, May 22, 2014.

  1. Support! Great idea!
  2. @Kaw Wouldn't the nobs work instead (as I had suggested earlier) so you don't have to use a new type of currency? The only changed would be implementing the equip.
  3. Support good idea  Just make the dragon eggs drop from regular haunting for goodness sakes.. Come on really reckoning 24/7 again ? It's rediculas it's like devs love to torture their players..
  4. Wouldn't it make sense for the eggs to drop from the birds ebs
  5. Support. I wish I could choose the stuff I want from the total I win of eggs.
  6. Support too
  7. Full support this is brilliant I say most of kaw would love this
  8. With seasons equipment out already and ee warriors having a large advantage their is a simpler solution.
    Make the eggs mith and let people buy red paladin equipment and upgrade it with the hunt.
    Or just buy spells whatever. But it reintroduces mith and mith equipment to non ee without them losing any of their advantage of the season equipment. New equipment itch slightly varying stats could be introduced that isn't quite up to par with ee season equipment keeping incentive for ee but helping fix match ups slightly balancing BFE at least. It also makes mith viable for osw clans to obtain and actually use those lovely green eyes.

    The currency is there. There red equipment is there and out dated but better than feathers. All it needs is a slight change that is relatively little development time in comparison to other fixes.
    And we get to choose our reward and how we use it. Equipment or strip that guy at last. Consider it at least kc
  9. Oh and a btw for that I would actually make some effort. When I can 
  10. Full support, this would stop atleast most of the complaining om events
  11. But it's not about satisfying the consumer, it's about putting the major portion of the consumer in a position where they feel they need to spend money. The tactic of any corporation selling a product in the App Store.......
  12. Kaw_community, I do not see why this would be hard to implement. You have the marketplace code already (in the alchemist mithril spell and equip) you can just copy paste that code, open the marketplace after x amount of time during the event (just like you used to with mith sales) and just modify what currency you're using. From instead of it being mith/gold/xtals etc you use fangs moths feathers and now eggs to buy the pieces you want