He didn't wanna lose so he stripped and won. Good for him. You don't wanna lose so you stay at a tiny trash build to war at a low tier hoping for an edge and wonder why no one takes you seriously. Especially when you whine about a legitimate strategy after losing. I hope you get stripped in every war moving forward. Maybe you'll actually git gud nub
They stack a roster with fast ps1. Then they strip a HYB fb steal him then XTAL and repeat for the win.
I don't EE. I've been at war for most of my time in KaW. Don't get it twisted. These stats ain't even big for how long I've played and that's cuz of how much I've fought.
We let anyone cast what ever build they want at asw besides ps. I love the fact that u r calling out an alt clan for not winning fairly when the clan is just for people to cast and get items. Stay salt m8
I was totally inactive, while wc'ing the war. Stripping is part of war, this is a war game, suck it up scrub. You just can't handle asw.
Ur statement proves how much u suck at EE.We cast random builds at ASW when we can't be fully active or are stuck at work.Guess our alts were too elite for ur scrub mains.And yes a guy like u who is smack talking forever deserves to be stripped
Manipulated war is cheating. If clans cast to lose then devs should stop this exploit. Reason I don't ee is because it's pointless knowing that it's unfair from the start. It's like buying a car and never driving it. Waste of time. If people do run this exploit and get free stuff then can't say I blame them but it's clearly not a achievement it's a waste of time 2 hours could be spent socialising if there's no interest in the war. Would be nice to actually see both sides trying.
Funniest thing about the whole thread is MC-HAMMER saying someone sucks at being WC . Nice sword btw hammer
Sure I can. I don't have broken sword. And nub. Ca said cast 15/0/5/4. I did. And I did better than you that war too. Face it you suck