
Discussion in 'Wars' started by __________13____, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Slim pickin's Player.

    LOR is down to 44 members.
  2. Wow a few hits leads to osw... Lol
  3. I love seeing ppl say lor will be know as losers but alpha has two possibly three clans hitting us already but they feel the need to get more allies on their side lor inst even a war clan so man up alpha
  4. Dude. Punctuation. Use it
  5. Lol I see all this .alpha. talk. What I dont see alpha talking about is how azuresun has been in pin for weeks lol. I've been here 2 days and top 10 have been permanently pinned the whole time. Top 20 stayed in pin all day.

    And willy is my newest stable boy of my kingdom and wtrr is gonna wake up super butthurt. Lol

  6. Oh I don't see jakki posting about how he lost close to 200b last night on here either lol
  7. Sorry for ranting but one final thing. I don't see azuresun here whining like a little ***** like he did all over my pm box for two hours before I had enough laughs and enough ss to finally block him and his incessant whining
  8. 
  9. Hey mickey mickey hey

    We already talked about this, didn't we? You yourself came to the conclusion that my loss was somewhere around 125-150 bil. Now suddenly "close to 200". Feel the need to make yourself look tougher in the forums?  oh, and it wasn't 150 either  (ps: it was lower)

    Why don't you post how much you lost dropping your allies to afford strip on Wtrr? I'd be very interested in hearing about that :D
  10. This thread always seems to creep up on you just when you think it's gone for good...
  11. I lost 300b between the drop to strip u and the drop to strip wtrr lol.No biggie. Acct was acquired with the solo intention to strip and be stripped. I assumed I wouldn't make it past 2 months w/my gold. Here it is. All still here plus some. So I'm gonna go ahead and strip my self since u noobs can't do it lol. I'll use the funds to strip y'all til I'm down to enough left to finish out the build and go pure spy lol
  12. And jakki out of the 280-290b we stripped u upgraded 100b. So if u lost 175-180b that's close to 200 in my opinion. I didn't wanna state exact numbers cuz only u know those and u act like my typical strip target

    Lol I didn't lose much

    U know how much I hear that lolsome noobs can't admit a loss. Pride over a push button game lol
  13. Anyways I would say see u guys in my news, but it would be hard to show up in my news from pin wouldn't it lol
  14. This thread is awesome

    GØ ÂŁPHÃ
  15. Lol go alpha. U guys keep hyping these guys up. Maybe eventually they will hit back lol
  16. Great job guys on the war. Much respect for both sides.
  17. Is it still going? 