
Discussion in 'Wars' started by __________13____, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. It did happen GO LOR!!!!!!!!!
  2. It's not about the war anymore, it's about how funny these guys are 
  3. Jumbo, u still talking? Sad to see on ur banner that u were silenced and all.  Perhaps u shouldn't act so attention starved? 

    A big shout out to my peeps in alpha!  Also, kudos to LOR for keeping up tr battle.  Now back to our feature presentation: War!
  4. Why would you tell people your main?
  5. I'm always talking. And i was silenced because one of your big scary guys just couldn't handle me anymore  me? Attention starved? Coming from the people who've had to remind everyone of there name every few posts. What is it? Oh, I think it's in the title actually.
  6. Snowman
  7. I have a healthy respect for Alpha and their leaders, but they're a bit too sensitive to talk for my tastes.
  8. And given my history with Alpha, I have no clue who jumbo is. I've been lurking this thread for days and still find this fight pointless.
  9.  That. Without the respect part.
  10. And I have a question guys... Where has Azuresun gone off to? 
  11. @Jumbo.
    I suggest you leave this thread now, and fix up your attitude on forums, or you will be facing some consequences.

    Sorry to all of those who have put up with him, he will be felt with.
  12. I've been a clan farm for more than a few families for posts I make with my main (this account), alpha among them, and most lately for their clan merging into our family.

    Qwerty and his crew are good folks, and willy is one of my favorite forumers with his humor, wit, and overall giggle factor. I didn't feel that we were a good fit overall because of situations like this.

    Does that mean I hate alpha or have no respect for the alpha family? Absolutely not.

    That said, I do feel that alpha is often too quick to jump headlong into things at times.

    I like many in alpha, and respect many more.

    My advice: when you win, know you've won, don't flaunt it. You're better than that.

    Stop trying to show everyone that you're a great clan and just be one.

    You're good people, stop sweating the haters. They're just distracting you from accomplishing the goals you seek.

    Much respect,
    joe_ Order of the Fox
  13. Jumbo: why do you feel the need to use me to make a point?
  14. Because you said what I've been trying to say, but without all the insults and witticism.
  15. But jumbo obviously you didn't say that... Joe did.
  16. Joe's legitimacy is valid.

    As much as I would like to pick apart everything he said, there is much analysis to his point.

    But as far as "jumping" into things too quickly, this is not the case, not this time Joe.

    Creepy - you actually believe Alpha would sit and wait for a response from you while your clan hit? That is about as ridiculous as Jumbo's existence.

    We have high-respect the fighters in your clan. There are 6-7 of you that make our cc every 10-20 minutes. (though we are not seeing 227/Drops much in the last day and a half)

    That being said, we can do this forever. Weeks, months, whatever it takes.

    We asked for an apology from Drops, and from you Creepy...for being a ******* smart ass when we tried to take an honorable approach to this.

    Drops **** on that and from an outside view, looks like he really could care less about your "orders", but that's just my opinion.

    Clans sometimes make terms that involve disbanding, buying trillions in allies, resets, build strips.....

    All we request is an apology. If that's too difficult, then we can keep dancing.

    See you in your newsfeed.
  17. Bison I said I was trying to say that. Read more carefully, alright? And willy, I exist so his belief is valid. To be honest both of you are as much at fault as the other. Don't try and argue that. Kiss and make up. Or don't, just make a decision and stick by it.
  18. Lol who is this Jim guy