
Discussion in 'Wars' started by __________13____, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. Maybe thats cuz i dont fail my steals
  2. I hit your main 227 and got no hits back c'mon grow some
  3. Even when low on troops 227 I got one through without pots, and 425 dtw to steals
  4. Learn to check ur news feed
  5. Two attacks oh no and u failed one  my my Big man
  6. Yes 2 att
    1st no pots
    2nd with pots
    And im being asked to stop posting forums so out of respect i will.
  7. Whatever
  8. You know what 227 u say Loyalty sucks, well u have a clan that has fought hard to defend you, I wonder what was going through there minds when you threw them under the bus like that. Glad you are not in ALPHA, because Loyalty runs strong here, and I am proud to defend our members, because I know they would do the same. That is the Loyalty that does not suck!!!!! Oo btw the way they are still fighting for you, what loyalty Legions of Rome has towards it members to bad they are fighting for one that thinks it sucks.
  9. Agreed
  10. I do want to clarify a few things as well....

    • 227 did not stop when asked. He kept hitting Azure. We all know when people "test hit" LB players you can usually expect hits in return. This went on for days.

    • There were only Alpha and Omega clans on you. LOR began to attack Oasis.

    You provoke, then start proclaiming to others/forums that you are outnumbered.

    My advice, research your enemies a little bit before jumping into an OSW.
  11. .Alpha.
  12. Go Azure!!!
  13. Go Willy!!!
  14. Considering I'm a friend of AzureSun's I think I'm gonna support .Alpha. Here lol. Go .Alpha.!! 
  15. @legions of Rome members.

    It could be a lot worse for you my friends.

  16. You talk about loyalty, it's just a game guys, geez. More specifically a war game. Fighting is encouraged, no need to make such a big deal out of it. "they disrespected a council member" blah blah blah. Deal with it.
  17. @ Jumbo

    Glad we have a resident expert on OSW's to guide us.

    Tell me, in all your experience, what would COS do if someone **** on their members/council?

    Just let it slide, eh? Interesting.
  18. No, but we wouldn't make a big song and dance about it on the forums.
  19. @Jumbo does your clan rules allow you to be posting here? 
  20. Well I am a badass 