ally plunder drops with t4 upgrades?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *peckinpah (01), Oct 30, 2011.

  1. @ swab, I once was t3 bc. Started switching out for lvl 1 coe/cf and plunder increased.

    And, I experience same problems, except with regular plunder. Each time I upgrade to lvl 3, plunder drops. I just built cf lvl 3, and this is first time plunder increased ._.
  2. Crappy ampersands 
  3. You have two variables at work here...

    1. Potential MaxP - determined by your buildings
  4. Seriously?
  5. To the folks who write: "hit an harder eb!" and: "do you think you make more money in forgotten ones than in haunting?" please read carefuly: my plunder dropped in origins after upgrading. I made less ally plunder than before IN ORIGINS!!!! not compared to a different eb!!! with the same upgrade my plunder raised in haunting. not compared to origins!!! compared to the plunder I made BEFORE IN HAUNTING!!!! is that understandable????? I just want to describe an intersting effect and want to figure out the mechanics. no advice needed.
  6. I was trying to explain but my posts keep getting cut off. First factor is potential plunder. It's determined by buildings and levels. Second factor is relative size of opponent. It's tier based and in effect acts as a multiplier against potential plunder. Weaker targets decrease the multiplier and larger targets increase it. The multiplier is at 1 for equal targets.
  7. So origins will decrease because even though potential plunder went up, the multiplier brings the calculated plunder down. Haunting may increase or stay the same depending on how much closer you are in strength vs. how much your potential plunder went up with the upgrade.

    Not all upgrades are created equal. In many cases the increase in strength outweighs the increase in potential plunder and so results in a net decrese to plunder earned.
  8. dude. you are my hero. thx. that makes sense. No strategy guide pointed that out!!!
  9. I been upgrading my SOS from the regular spy my plunder went down alot if u want to make lots of kaw money u gotta build a attack build even wanna be hansels like me know that lol u plunder go up lil by lil if keep upgrade to t4 builds
  10. I have the same problem, I just upgraded my TL from level 2 to 3 and my plunder dropped on same eb, but only when I went to level 3? I don't get the multiplier part so maybe that is why I'm still confused, I think it's a little unfair that I paid 70 bill just to decrease my plunder, what can I do to resolve this, will it rise again with my next t4 upgrade or do I need to buy a certain building to balance out the effects of my TL? please help!!!
  11. which eb do you play?
  12. I get an increase in ally plunder when I upgrade a guild to a SoS.