Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Temporary Sticky While It is being discussed amongst moderators.
  2. Thank you!!!!!! Please leave it, I use it all the time, I know others do as well.
  3. oh god, ur post almost took up a whole page!!! OMG!!!
  4. WOOT for sticky
  5. finally stickied.....jeesh, guess I can get rid of my print-out of this...
  6. Nice one havoc
  7. i never would do that cuz from allies u need ally plunder not good stats ex. a 100bil ally could have the same stats as a 2.3bil ally but the 100bil one gets u more money it doesnt really matter about the stats.
  8. Wait!! Helpful guides haven't been stickied for a while! Omg!
  9. Erm...nice grasp of the game KAW_is _awesome lol
  10. Well most actually start with t2 because everyone tells them to buy 9 forges
  11. Thread got stickied, no more need for bumps.
  12. Well done!

    Thx mate!
  13. Now what we need is the stats to look for n at what price... Also sometimes the first 3 pages are filled with allies with crappy stats who been volleyed up to transfer gold... Pls update 
  14. Well I just buy active clan members with titles(titles are optional)