Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Nice thread , op is huge noob though
  2. Ooh I thought thread starter was friend of mine, wrong havoc
  3. Bloodstriker for sale ~80bi active
  4. This is much helpful
  5. selling active 235k cs allie for olny 25billion Hayqyu
  6. Any reason why i cant copy from this thread!!??

    Cheers 
  7. It won't work if you directly copy the prices because you can't include the commas when looking for an ally price.
  8. Hey, read my post. I CANT copy, so i cant paste. Lol
  9. Nice thread Hav0c 
  10. What's the chance of hiring and actually KEEPING an ally!? EVERYTIME I hire one or more, the immediately get hired away!!!
  11. 1.1 mil cs ally for sale for 50 bil
  12. This thing is still up 0.o
  13. Is there an updated list for up to 2 trill at least?
  14. Active Allies for sale from 20bil to 450bil all my allies are active,
    If you want to know when the last time they hit an eb just ask me
    And i will provide u that info i chat with all my allies daily to keep up with what they are doing
  15. Ahh the days when there were pages upon pages of allies to choose from...
  16. Thank you