Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. BUMP X2 for MOJO clan 
  2. Thanks but can u add the new ones ?
  3. ITT: bump a stickied thread 
  4. I have an ally that isn't in any of those numbers he is worth 1,125,691,363. How does that work?
  5. He has probably been dropped at some point, dropping allies takes them off the regular pricepoints.
  6. DarthNuvek, 73b for 2.5mcs. Active, and growing constantly.
  7. Why bump? This thread is sticky in strategy, easy to find.
  8. Excellent! Very simple yet informative!

  9. Why would we lock this thread? It's helpful
  10. Great advice! Important still a bit of a noob and i started trying this method and its working great! Thanks mate
  11. I meant im. Bloody corrective spelling crap
  12. awesome help. bet it took a while to set up. Thanks