Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. Great thread, has helped me quite a bit the past couple months!
  2. Nice. I officially stamp this as awesome. Have a good day sir
  3. Great guide and making me gold 
  4. BUMP.

    This is so helpful. Whenever this reaches the bottom of, or goes of of Active Topics, I will bump. (If I can be arsed...)
  5. Good info. I have seen that the best policy is to hire friends and players you know to decrease the chances of bad surprises and to increase the chances of seeing increasing stats. . - AC.
  6. With having hundred of bil in ally's, I'd have to say this is junk. His theories on ally's is incomplete. Sorry I don't want to elaborate or I'd have a lot more competition with ally trading. This may have been efficient when ally trading was in its infancy but now that it is a 2 year old economy, it is a lot more complicated than previously stated
  7. still works for me and still minting gold :D
  8. Really good
  9. You still hire highest stat even when not active?
  10. Ahhhhh.....hav0c......miss u bud.....MOJO FOR LIFE
  11. Well it sure does help you get started.. So glad this was stickied. :)
  12. Nice, you have taught me well.
  13. Havoc you are a flaming homosexual