Ally Market Prices

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HAV0C, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. It's going to be kind of hard to make a profit off allies past about 450b I'd say. But even if you really wanted to have the prices past 515b, it's not very hard to do the math.
  2. What is sticky!?!?!
  3. @play a sticky is something a mod can do to a thread which makes it automatically go to the top of a section, a thread that's stickied has that ! Thing which shows its stickied, a stickied thread is one that is very good and informational
  4. Ally prices have been going crazy lately.

    In 2010 you could get a combined stats 100k ally for 955m
    In 2011 you could get a combined stats 80k ally for 955m
    In 2012 for 955m, you'd be lucky to get 65k.

    Wonder what it's going to be like soon.

    After Devs do their annual purge of inactive accounts in Mar/April the ally market will probably sky rocket again.
  5. Dont forget to hire an active ally at all prices they grow and sell quiker too:)
  6. Isnt it suppose to be 13.6b instead of 14.6b..?
  7. This is an awesome sticky. Though I've used this sheet back in 2010. Glad someone made a thread of these ally numbers. Can't seem to find the one thread that lets us know what ally is active and sale.
  8. This forum is easy to read,understandable and helps alot pls sticky this! @ havoc thank you for taking the time to make this and great job!
  9. I don't understand the big list of numbers...I just don't get it
  10. Patients Grasshopper, you will understand when the time is right:

    Wax on..... Wax off ...
  11. I use this as a reference all the time. It's great. I keep loosing my list, so I keep coming back. I can now buy with purpose. Thanks a bunch.
  12. I'm so I'm slow.
  13. Basically, hire note down what value ally you would like to hire, search it into ally search bar, hire best ally you can find in first couple pages.
  14. Hello there I couldn't help but notice your post however there is one thing missing..........spam. As a result I am writing this message to notify you of spa.............oh this is spam. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!ROFLMAOQXZ!!!!!!!!AND SO ON AND SO FORTH!!!!! Hehe...
  15. Farm brains?